Which descriptive statistics to use

  • Is SPSS used for descriptive statistics?

    Descriptive statistics in SPSS can be accessed by clicking Analyze Menu → Descriptive Statistics.
    Detailed information can be obtained using Frequencies, Descriptives, Explore or Crosstabs.
    There are, however, different procedures depending on whether you have a categorical or continuous variable..

  • Types of descriptive statistics

    Inferential statistics have two main uses: making estimates about populations (for example, the mean SAT score of all 11th graders in the US). testing hypotheses to draw conclusions about populations (for example, the relationship between SAT scores and family income)..

Generally, when writing descriptive statistics, you want to present at least one form of central tendency (or average), that is, either the mean, median, or mode. In addition, you should present one form of variability, usually the standard deviation.

Continuous data for a single variable is generally analysed using two types of descriptive statistics:

    Typically, there are two general types of statistic that are used to describe data:

    • Measures of central tendency: these are ways of describing the central position of a frequency distribution for a group of data. ...


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