Descriptive statistics math examples

  • What is an example of descriptive statistics in data analytics?

    If you want a good example of descriptive statistics, look no further than a student's grade point average (GPA).
    A GPA gathers the data points created through a large selection of grades, classes, and exams then average them together and presents a general idea of the student's mean academic performance.Oct 19, 2023.

  • A statistic is a number that represents a property of the sample.
    For example, if we consider one math class to be a sample of the population of all math classes, then the average number of points earned by students in that one math class at the end of the term is an example of a statistic.
The descriptive statistics examples are given as follows: Suppose the marks of students belonging to class A are {70, 85, 90, 65) and class B are {60, 40, 89, 96}. Then the average marks of each class can be given by the mean as 77.5 and 71.25. This denotes that the average of class A is more than class B.

What tools and topics are covered by descriptive statistics?

Below are examples of some of the key tools and topics covered by descriptive statistics

Tables and graphs, particularly of frequency distributions, are an important aspect of descriptive statistics

A "descriptive statistic" is also a type of datum that describes or summarizes a collection of observations or information. Examples of descriptive statistics include: A graph showing the change in temperature in a region over 1 year A table of SAT scores for 11th graders in various schools for a given year


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