Finding descriptive statistics in stata

  • How do you calculate descriptive statistics?

    The describe command gives information about how the variable is stored in Stata, while the codebook provides diverse information, including the type of variable, range, frequent values, amount of missing, etc.
    Here we also use lookfor to find all variable names or variable labels that contain an “s”..

  • How do you find the descriptive statistics table?

    Descriptive statistics are specific methods basically used to calculate, describe, and summarize collected research data in a logical, meaningful, and efficient way.
    Descriptive statistics are reported numerically in the manuscript text and/or in its tables, or graphically in its figures..

  • How do you identify descriptive statistics?

    Descriptive statistics are broken down into measures of central tendency and measures of variability (spread).
    Measures of central tendency include the mean, median, and mode, while measures of variability include standard deviation, variance, minimum and maximum variables, kurtosis, and skewness..

  • How to see variable description in Stata?

    Creating a descriptive statistics table

    1. Click
    2. Type the required variables names for the statistics in the Analysis field, separated by commas
    3. Select Statistics table from the dropdown list in the Break field (or type STATS in lower or upper case)
    4. Click OK to build a table of descriptive statistics

  • How to see variable description in Stata?

    The describe command gives information about how the variable is stored in Stata, while the codebook provides diverse information, including the type of variable, range, frequent values, amount of missing, etc.
    Here we also use lookfor to find all variable names or variable labels that contain an “s”..

  • What is descriptive statistics in Stata analysis?

    Descriptive statistics is vital to understanding the nature of your data.
    It provides a basic description of your data and allows you to explore the formats ("display format") of the variables.
    We will use the describe command to get descriptive statistics.Sep 23, 2023.

  • Enter the quantitative variable for which you want descriptive statistics under “Variables:”, check the “Group statistics by variable:” box, and fill in the name of your grouping variable in the box beneath “Group statistics by variable:”.
    Check the first box beside “mean” under “Statistics to display”.
  • To obtain summary statistics of all the variables in the dataset, simply type summarize.
    Note that in the table above, there are three race variables, whereas the dataset as provided only contains a single, categorical race variable called race.

Can I use Su instead of summarize in Stata?

If you use the latest versions of Stata, you can use su instead of summarize

Summarize provides basic statistics of your data and helps us understand the essential characteristics of the variables

We will check the summary statistics for the nlsw88 dataset provided by Stata built into the package


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