Download design patent certificate

  • Can you copy a design patent?

    In other words, a design patent provides protection for the ornamental design of something that has a practical utility.
    In the United States, that means an item that is substantially similar to something that has the protection of a design patent may not be made, copied, used or imported into the country..

  • How do I download a patent?

    To download a copy of a patent from the U.S.
    Patent and Trademark Office, please enter your request in the format below.
    Enter Number(s): To link to a patent, please use the following format: where XXXXXXX is the patent number..

  • How do I get a US patent certificate?

    Once your patent application has been approved by the USPTO, you'll receive a Notice of Allowance.
    Then, you must pay your issue fee before subsequently receiving your Issue Notification.
    The patent certificate with the USPTO seal will be mailed on the issue date..

  • How do I get my design patent?

    How to Patent a Design

    1. Decide whether to hire a design patent attorney
    2. Complete a patent search
    3. File a design patent application with the USPTO
    4. Work closely with your patent examiner
    5. Amend or appeal your application if necessary

  • What is a design patent?

    Design patents are utilized to protect the novel ornamental features of a utilitarian object.
    In cases where the aesthetic features themselves cannot be separated from the utilitarian object, a design patent can protect the ornamental features, while copyright protection cannot..

  • What is a patent certificate?

    Patents protect inventions which involve an inventive step and are industrially applicable.
    A patent may protect a product, a process or an industrial application.
    Patent Certificates offer protection for 20 years and are issued for inventions which involve an inventive step and are industrially applicable..

  • How to Patent a Design

    1. Decide whether to hire a design patent attorney
    2. Complete a patent search
    3. File a design patent application with the USPTO
    4. Work closely with your patent examiner
    5. Amend or appeal your application if necessary
  • Yes, you may obtain a certified copy of your patent from the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
    They issue only one official certificate to the assignee or first inventor listed on the patent.
    More information is available on the USPTO's Certified Copy Center website.
Patents certificate download feature can be used to download all electonically issued certificates that are linked to your organisation.
To facilitate applying for obtaining certified copies of a design application the applicant must make said petition through Form 15 and Form 16 under theĀ 

Can a design patent application be abandoned?

Applicant may also file a new application prior to the abandonment of the original application, claiming benefit of the earlier filing date.
This will allow continued prosecution of the claim.
The two types of shading commonly employed in design patent application drawings are straight-line surface shading and stippling.


How do I obtain a certified copy of international design applications?

Please contact the International Bureau (IB) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to obtain a certified copy of international design applications.
Records available from the USPTO may be certified as true copies by the Patent and Trademark Copy Fulfillment Branch.


How do you identify an invention in a patent application?

Identifying indicia, if provided, should include:

  1. the title of the invention
  2. inventor's name
  3. application number
  4. docket number (if any) if an application number has not been assigned to the application

If this information is provided, it must be placed on the front of each sheet and centered within the top margin.

What should be included in a design patent application?

The elements of a design patent application should include:

  1. the following:
  2. Preamble
  3. stating name of the applicant
  4. title of the design
  5. a brief description of the nature and intended use of the article in which the design is embodied; Cross-reference to related applications (unless included in the application data sheet)


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