Design learning activities

  • How can we provide learning activities?

    Design-based learning (DBL) is a learning strategy that requires students to use their theoretical knowledge to develop an artifact or system to tackle a real-life problem..

  • How do you create an activity for learners?

    Activities which involve student interaction with content can include listening to and/or watching a live or recorded talk, engaging with a written or visual text, engaging with multimedia, or a combination of these..

  • Learning activities examples for elementary

    Robotics competitions in schools are popular design-based learning activities, wherein student teams design, build and then pilot their robots in competitive challenges..

  • What activities is involved in designing?

    The 7 steps of the design process

    Define the problem.
    Crucial to solving any design problem is to begin by asking the right questions. Conduct research. Brainstorm and conceptualize. Create a prototype. Product analysis. Improve..

  • What activities is involved in designing?

    It is the teacher-designed activities that give the lesson the inspiration to want to keep learning and progressing.
    These activities engage the student and absorb them in the subject..

  • What are the 5 learning activities?

    Content Focus.Interactivity Focus.Critical Thinking.Production.Problem Solving.Reflection..

  • What are the 5 learning activities?

    Robotics competitions in schools are popular design-based learning activities, wherein student teams design, build and then pilot their robots in competitive challenges..

  • What is design learning in teaching?

    A well-designed lesson plan: Helps students and teachers understand the goals of an instructional module.
    Allows the teacher to translate the curriculum into learning activities.
    Aligns the instructional materials with the assessment..

  • What is designed learning activities?

    Learning activities need to be aligned with learning outcomes and assessment to provide students with opportunities to develop relevant and appropriate skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes..

Learning activity design
  • align to outcomes and assessment.
  • engage students in active learning.
  • facilitate the practice of core skills prior to assessment.
  • provide feedback on student progress towards outcomes.
  • be accessible for all students.
Planning learning activities
  • What would motivate your students to do these activities?
  • What do students need to hear, read, or see to understand the topic?
  • How can I engage students in the topic?
  • What are some relevant real-life examples, analogies, or situations that can help students explore the topic?
When planning learning activities, you should consider the types of activities that students will need to engage in to achieve and demonstrate the intended 

Activities to Reinforce Learning

I thought it would be interesting to apply this approach to my teaching, regardless of whether it was through a quiz, a group project or a tutorial activity.
So, every learning activity I created came packaged with its own scenario.
The more fun the scenario, or the more shocking the conclusion, the better the students remembered the learning point.


Difficulty and Challenge

However, there is another issue.
If we design activities meant for stronger students, the weaker students will feel lost and disengage from the class.
If we design for the weaker students, stronger students will complete the task quickly on their own, become bored and disengage from the class.
To solve this conundrum, I found it effective to borrow.


Engaging The Imagination

This is not the only ingredient for making learning activities unforgettable.
The other reason I create fictitious scenarios and situate learning activities in them is that it provides fertile soil for the students’ imagination.
This is particularly powerful when we invite them to role-play.
There, students step out of their identities to be someon.


How can activities support student learning?

One of the most exciting parts of course design is thinking about what students actually do while learning.
It is more impactful for students to be engaged and actively participate in the learning process.


How can we design learning activities that have low difficulty?

With these categories in mind, we can design learning activities that have low difficulty but are still challenging enough for stronger students.
This is achieved by providing just enough scaffolding and guiding resources, such as:

  1. a Q&A resource page
  2. that weaker students can refer to for help

What are learning activities?

Learning activities can be defined as ‘specific interactions of learners with other people, using specific tools and resources, oriented towards specific outcomes’. ♦ Activities do not have to be ‘designed’ by a teacher.
In the early stages learners need tasks that are carefully structured and paced.


What are the principles of design for learning?

The first principle of design for learning is that all learning involves some form of activity.
Learning activities can be defined as ‘specific interactions of learners with other people, using specific tools and resources, oriented towards specific outcomes’. ♦ Activities do not have to be ‘designed’ by a teacher.


Design learning academy
Design learning process
Design learning materials
Design learning experience
Design learning course
Design learning framework
Design learning model
Design learning app
Design learning program
Design learning outcomes
Design learning resources
Design learning test
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