When design and access statement required

  • Is a Design and access statement required for listed building consent?

    A Design and Access Statement is required for all applications for Listed Building Consent and planning applications, except for planning applications relating to: 1.
    Householder proposals (unless in a conservation area); 2..

  • Is a design and access statement required?

    When is a Design and Access Statement required? A Design and Access Statement is required for major development and developments in conservation areas and World Heritage Sites..

  • What are the three parts of a Design and access statement?

    The Design Component.
    The statement should explain the design principles and concepts that have been applied to particular aspects of the proposal – these are: Appraising the Context.
    The statement must demonstrate the steps that have been taken to appraise the context of the proposed development. The Access Component..

  • What does a design statement include?

    A Design Statement is a method by which applicants/ agents should be able to show how they have taken into account good design in their development proposals.
    This should include the relationship between buildings, the relationship between buildings and streets, squares, parks, waterways and other spaces..

  • What is the guidance on Design and access statement?

    A strong design and access statement should address the principles that underscored the choices in layout – particularly the locations of proposed development zones, blocks and building plots.
    As with “amount”, the “layout” section should discuss how the need for appropriate access informs the design..

  • What is the purpose of an access statement?

    An Access Statement is a document that is important for recording and sharing the intentions of your plans in terms of accessibility.
    An Access Statement is a document that explains the ambition of your development in terms of providing equal access for all potential users..

  • What should a design statement include?

    A Design Statement is a method by which applicants/ agents should be able to show how they have taken into account good design in their development proposals.
    This should include the relationship between buildings, the relationship between buildings and streets, squares, parks, waterways and other spaces..

  • What should be included in a Planning Statement?

    1. Introduction: Provide a brief overview of the project, including the location and size of the plot
    2. Description of the Proposal:
    3. Site Analysis:
    4. Compliance with Local Planning Policies:
    5. Sustainability and Energy Efficiency:
    6. Access and Infrastructure:
    7. Conclusion:
  • A Design Statement is a method by which applicants/ agents should be able to show how they have taken into account good design in their development proposals.
    This should include the relationship between buildings, the relationship between buildings and streets, squares, parks, waterways and other spaces.
  • A planning statement identifies the context and need for a proposed development and includes an assessment of how the proposed development accords with relevant national, regional and local planning policies.
Government guidance states that a design and access statement should accompany the following: Applications for major development; Applications for development in a “designated area” – meaning a World Heritage site or a conservation area – where the proposed development consists of: One or more dwellings; or.
When is a Design and Access Statement required? A Design and Access Statement is required for major development and developments in conservation areas and World Heritage Sites.

Context Component

An important part of a Design and Access statement is the explanation of how local context has influenced the design.
Context should be discussed in relation to the scheme as a whole, rather than specifically in relation to the five sub-components of amount, layout, scale, landscaping and appearance.
A Design and Access statement should demonstrate.


Design Component

All Design and Access Statements must: 1. explain the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development 2. demonstrate the steps taken to appraise the context of the development and how the design of the development takes that context into account in relation to the proposed use 3. explain the policy adopted as to access and .


Do I need A DAS for a building consent application?

Listed building consent applications must also include:

  1. a DAS

Applications for waste development, a material change of use, engineering or mining operations do not need to be accompanied by a DAS.
A DAS must explain the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development.

Do I need a design and Access Statement?

In major developments, a Design and Access Statement is required for:

  1. the provision of dwellinghouses where the number of dwellinghouses to be provided is 10 or more or the development is to be carried out on a site having an area of 0
5 hectares or more and it is not known whether the development relates to dwellinghouses .

When was design and Access Statement published?

Design and access statements Published in 2006 by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment.
Reprinted in 2007.
Graphic design by Draught Associates.
Printed by Sandypress on Starfine environmentally friendly paper.
All rights reserved.


Which application types must be accompanied by a design and Access Statement?

The below application types must be accompanied by a design and access statement:

  1. Applications for major development
  2. as defined in article 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure (England) Order 2015

Report required under English and Welsh planning law

A design statement is a report required under English and Welsh planning law that sets out, illustrates and justifies the process that has led to the development proposals.
It is required to be submitted to accompany a planning application.


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