Amid design

  • How to design home decor?

    There are seven main principles of interior design: balance, harmony, rhythm, proportion and scale, emphasis, contrast, and details.
    These concepts can be applied to any room in your home, from the living room to the bathroom..

  • What are the steps of interior design?

    A 10-step plan on how to create a space plan for your interior design project:

    1. Step 1: Measure the space
    2. Step 2: Create a digital floor plan
    3. Step 3: Define the purpose of the space
    4. Step 4: Determine the flow of the space
    5. Step 5: Prioritize function over aesthetics
    6. Step 6: Choose furniture
    7. Step 7: Consider lighting

  • An interior design concept is the central theme that all the design elements are focused upon.
    It exists as an idea first and is brought to reality through careful planning.
    At its best, an interior design concept is a visual theme that evokes a specific mood by strategically using color, space, and style.
Explore a wide range of home decor products at the best online home decor stores. Shop now and transform your living space with stylish and affordable 
Amid design
Amid design

2019 video game

Amid Evil is a first-person shooter video game developed by Indefatigable and published by New Blood Interactive.
The game's dark fantasy theme, action-oriented gameplay, and retro-inspired visual elements have earned it frequent descriptions as a spiritual successor to 1994's Heretic and 1995's Hexen.
A version for the Nintendo Switch is planned for release.


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