Beyond design basis accident

  • What does beyond design basis mean?

    This term is used as a technical way to discuss accident sequences that are possible but were not fully considered in the design process because they were judged to be too unlikely..

  • What is a design basis accident?

    The term “design basis accidents” means that their prevention or mitigation has to be covered by design and demonstrated during the licensing procedure of a specific plant.
    This includes accidents with a very low probability in the range of 104/yr to 106/yr..

  • What is a maximum design basis accident?

    A design basis accident or “maximum credible accident” involves “accident conditions against which a facility is designed according to established design criteria, and for which the damage to the fuel and the release of radioactive material are kept within authorized limits.”.

  • What is an example of a beyond design basis accident?

    The Fukushima Daiichi accident was a beyond-design-basis accident.
    Other major nuclear accidents (Three Mile Island in 1979 and Chernobyl in 1986) are also considered to be beyond-design-basis accidents..

  • What is an example of a design basis accident?

    The Three Mile Island accident and the Chernobyl disaster are examples of design-basis accidents becoming non-design-basis accidents because of design deficiencies, inadequate training, procedures inadequate for the conditions (TMI), failure to follow operating procedures (Chernobyl), and control room design shortfalls .

  • The causes of the accidents have very much differed.
    Nuclear accidents can, for example, be caused by the failure of technical components, by human error or by natural disasters.
    As a result of a nuclear accident a significant level of radioactive substances is released.
    This can effect health and environment.
  • WHAT HAPPENED AT THREE MILE ISLAND? The Three Mile Island nuclear plant had two pressurized light-water reactors.
    On March 28, 1979, a cooling malfunction caused part of the core to melt in Reactor 2.
    Some radioactive gas was released but not enough to cause adverse health effects, as noted in numerous health studies.
Beyond design-basis are accidents that are outside the realm of what the plant was designed to withstand. The classic example is the Fukushima nuclear accident. Beyond design-basis events are difficult to predict either because they have never occurred or have a low probability of occurring.


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