Design exception class with test cases

  • How do you create an exception class?

    Here are the steps:

    1. Create a new class whose name should end with Exception like ClassNameException
    2. Make the class extends one of the exceptions which are subtypes of the java
    3. Create a constructor with a String parameter which is the detail message of the exception

  • How do you test exceptions in unit tests?

    Unit Tests for Expected Exceptions

    1. Set up the expected failure case that should result in the exception (Duh
    2. .).
    3. Call the code that should be throwing an exception
    4. Assert that an exception was thrown, and it was the expected type of exception

  • How do you write a test case for exception classes?

    There can be more than one failure, and to print each failure, we can iterate the result using the loop.
    So, in order to write the test cases for the exception class, we need to add the exception class to that test case by using the expected keyword..

  • What are exceptions in testing?

    In software testing, exceptions refer to exceptional events or errors that may occur during the execution of a program.
    Various factors, such as invalid input, unexpected output, or bugs in the code, can cause these exceptions..

  • Which class is used to run test cases?

    The test cases are executed using JUnitCore class.
    JUnitCore is a facade for running tests.
    It supports running JUnit 4 tests, JUnit 3.8..

  • The simplest way to test thrown exceptions in JUnit is to use the @Test and expected attributes.
    The expected attribute specifies the type of exception that the test method is expected to throw.
    If the test method throws an exception of the specified type, the test passes.
    If not, the test fails.
  • There are three types of exception—the checked exception, the error and the runtime exception.
  • To test a protected method using junit and mockito, in the test class (the class used to test the method), create a “child class” that extends the protagonist class and merely overrides the protagonist method to make it public so as to give access to the method to the test class, and then write tests against this child

How do I test exceptions in a test case?

To test exceptions in test cases, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify the method or code block that is expected to throw an exception

Write a test case that calls the method or executes the code block.
In the test case, use an assertion to verify that the expected exception was thrown.

How to test a JUnit exception?

In order to write and run the test cases for an exception, we need the JUnit jar file in the system, or we need to set up the JUnit environment in our system.
To test the exceptions, we should follow the following steps:

  1. We first create a class that needs to be tested

We will create class ShowMessage class.

What happens if no exception is thrown in TestNG?

If no exception or any other exception is thrown, it will fail.
There are several advantages of using exception tests in TestNG, a few of them are:

  1. Exception tests help verify that the code behaves as expected when faced with unexpected scenarios and can handle them gracefully

This helps to improve application quality and stability.

What is exception testing in Java?

Exception testing is a type of testing that involves testing for expected exceptions in a piece of code.
The purpose of exception testing is to verify that the code behaves correctly when an exception is thrown and to ensure that the exception is handled appropriately.
How do you test exceptions in test cases? .

Design exception class with test cases
Design exception class with test cases

US Navy submarine class of World War II

The Balao class was a design of United States Navy submarine used during World War II, and with 120 boats completed, the largest class of submarines in the United States Navy.
An improvement on the earlier Gato class, the boats had slight internal differences.
The most significant improvement was the use of thicker, higher yield strength steel in the pressure hull skins and frames, which increased their test depth to 400 feet (120 m).
Tang actually achieved a depth of 612 ft (187 m) during a test dive,
and exceeded that test depth when taking on water in the forward torpedo room while evading a destroyer.


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