Design from the margins

  • What are margins in design?

    What are margins? In design, margins refer to the space between the content or elements and the edge of a layout or container.
    Margins create visual breathing room, establishing a clear separation between the content and the surrounding elements or edges..

  • What does it mean to design from the margins?

    As the brilliant education and social change leaders behind the equityXdesign framework advise, “Designing at the margin means that those in privileged positions do not solve for those experiencing oppression; rather, in true community, both the privileged and marginalized build collective responsibility and innovative Oct 5, 2023.

  • What is margin in web design?

    Margin is the space around the border of an element.
    The margin surrounding an element will inform the web browser being used of how much space should be left between independent elements and the external margin of the website's page.
    Margins can also be used to keep different elements an equal distance apart..

  • What is the design margin in engineering?

    A design margin is defined as “the extent to which a parameter value exceeds what it needs to meet its functional requirements regardless of the motivation for which the margin was included” [22] ..

  • Why do we utilize margins in our designs?

    By using appropriate margins, we enhance the readability of content by providing sufficient space between elements.
    Margins provide visual breathing room for users, making the interface clearer.
    They also help group elements together for a visual understanding of the page..

  • Layout margins provide a visual buffer between a view's content and any content outside of the view's bounds.
    The layout margins consist of inset values for each edge (top, bottom, leading, and trailing) of the view.
  • Margin is the space around the border of an element.
    The margin surrounding an element will inform the web browser being used of how much space should be left between independent elements and the external margin of the website's page.
    Margins can also be used to keep different elements an equal distance apart.
  • Visual balance and composition: Margins help establish visual balance and composition within a design by providing space for the content to "breathe" and preventing elements from feeling cramped or crowded.
    They create a sense of order and organization, enhancing readability and overall aesthetic appeal.
May 13, 2022Designing from the margins is a method to reverse some of the power nexus between corporate will and “main user” focus so that we can design and 
Design From the Margins (DFM), a design process that centers the most impacted and marginalized users from ideation to production, pushes the notion that not only is this something that can and must be done, but also that it is highly beneficial for all users and companies.

Are product property margins a critical problem of engineering design?

Eckert, C., Isaksson, O. & Earl, C. 2012 Product property margins:

  1. An underlying critical problem of engineering design

Proceedings of TMCE 2012.
Google Scholar Eckert, C.
M. & Stacey, M.
K. 2014 Constraints and conditions:drivers for design processes.
In An Anthology of Theories and Models of Design, pp. 395 – 415.

What is a margin in a jet engine design?

As a margin usually arises from the desire to cater for potential uncertainties, Section 5 discusses a split of the margin into buffer and excess to handle uncertainty and introduces the terminology for margins across the design process.
Section 6 applies the concept to the example of jet engine design before conclusions are drawn in Section 7.


What is design from the margins?

Design From the Margins (DFM), a design process that centers the most impacted and marginalized users from ideation to production, pushes the notion that not only is this something that can and must be done, but also that it is highly beneficial for all users and companies.


Why do design teams need a margins profile?

A margins profile in such design situations would provide the design teams with a means to – Differentiate between margins due to uncertainties (buffer) and the margins due to design choices (excess).

Design from the margins
Design from the margins

CSS programming trick for dividing a web page into three columns

The holy grail is a web page layout which has multiple equal-height columns that are defined with style sheets.
It is commonly desired and implemented, but for many years, the various ways in which it could be implemented with available technologies all had drawbacks.
Because of this, finding an optimal implementation was likened to searching for the elusive Holy Grail.
In a wireless communication system, the link margin (LKM), measured in dB, is the difference between the minimum expected power received at the receiver's end, and the receiver's sensitivity.
A 15 dB link margin means that the system could tolerate an additional 15 dB of attenuation between the transmitter and the receiver, and it would still just barely work.
In typography

In typography

White space that surrounds the content of a page

In typography, a margin is the area between the main content of a page and the page edges.
The margin helps to define where a line of text begins and ends.
When a page is justified the text is spread out to be flush with the left and right margins.
When two pages of content are combined next to each other, the space between the two pages is known as the extiw>gutter.
The top and bottom margins of a page are also called head and foot, respectively.
The term margin
can also be used to describe the edge of internal content, such as the right or left edge of a column of text.
The margin of error is a statistic expressing the amount of random

The margin of error is a statistic expressing the amount of random

Statistic expressing the amount of random sampling error in a survey's results

The margin of error is a statistic expressing the amount of random sampling error in the results of a survey.
The larger the margin of error, the less confidence one should have that a poll result would reflect the result of a census of the entire population.
The margin of error will be positive whenever a population is incompletely sampled and the outcome measure has positive variance, which is to say, whenever the measure varies.


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