Who design national flag

  • Who built flag?

    The National Flag of India was designed by Pingali Venkayya in 1921.
    It was a tricolour Flag with Saffron, White, and Green, with the Ashok Chakra at the centre.
    The National Flag was adopted on 22nd July 1947.
    It was created according to the Flag Code of India, in an aspect ratio of 3:2..

  • Who designs flags for countries?

    A person who studies flags is a vexillologist, one who designs flags is a vexillographer, and the art of designing flags is called vexillography..

  • Who is the flag design person?

    Pingali Venkayya birthday: Pingali Venkayya had designed the national flag of India or the Tricolour.
    It was in 1921 when Mahatma Gandhi approved a design at the Indian National Congress meeting in Vijayawada..

  • The 24 spokes represent the twelve causal links taught by the Buddha and paṭiccasamuppāda (Dependent Origination, Conditional Arising) in forward and then reverse order.
    The first 12 spokes represent 12 stages of suffering.
    The next 12 spokes represent no cause no effect.
  • The National flag of India is a horizontal tricolor of deep saffron (kesari) at the top, white in the middle and dark green at the bottom in equal proportion.
    The ratio of width of the flag to its length is two to three.
    In the centre of the white band is a navy blue wheel which represents the chakra.
Gandhi first proposed a flag to the Indian National Congress in 1921. The flag was designed by Pingali Venkayya. In the centre was a traditional spinning wheel,  HistoryDesignSymbolismProtocol
The flag was designed by Pingali Venkayya. In the centre was a traditional spinning wheel, symbolising Gandhi's goal of making Indians self-reliant by  Pingali VenkayyaCalcutta flagFlag Code of IndiaLargest Human Flag of India

What is the history of the flag?

The flag as we know it was born not as a symbol, but as a very practical banner.
The commanders of the Confederate army in Virginia (then known at the Army of the Potomac) sought a distinctive emblem as an alternative to the Confederacy’s first national flag—the Stars and Bars—to serve as a battle flag.


Who is the creator of the flag?

The flag’s original creator, Jasper, has also identified themselves as trans and as pansexual on a Twitter post.
To add to the confusion there is also a fourth flag circulating online.
Apparently this is the new pan flag and honestly? .


Who made the first flag?

First American Flag History.
While there is no doubt that the real Betsy Ross was worthy of interest in her own right, it is the legend of Betsy sewing the first stars and stripes that has made her an unforgettable historical figure.
The Betsy Ross story was brought to public attention in 1870 by her grandson, William Canby, in a speech he made ..


Who said to have made the flag?

The 13-star flag, which was America’s first, is said to have been designed by Philadelphia seamstress Betsy Ross.
In recent years, the flag, like a number of early American symbols, has been co-opted by opposition groups to illustrate their ties to America before the federal government was established.

Who design national flag
Who design national flag

Officially proclaimed flag representing Aboriginal Australians

The Australian Aboriginal Flag represents Aboriginal Australians.
It is one of the officially proclaimed flags of Australia, and has special legal and political status together with the national flag and the Torres Strait Islander Flag, with which it is often flown.
The flag of England is the national flag

The flag of England is the national flag

National flag

The flag of England is the national flag of England, a constituent country of the United Kingdom.
It is derived from Saint George's Cross.
The association of the red cross as an emblem of England can be traced back to the Late Middle Ages when it was gradually, increasingly, used alongside the Royal Banner.
It became the only saint's flag permitted to be flown in public as part of the English Reformation and at a similar time became the pre-eminent maritime flag referred to as a white ensign.
It was used as a component in the design of the Union Jack in 1606.


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