Keppel design and analysis

What is the business model of Keppel DC?

Find out more about our group business model here

Keppel DC (Keppel Data Centres) has a strong track record of offering a comprehensive range of wholesale, build-to-suit and colocation data centre solutions built to the highest industry standards

What is the Keppel Technology Advisory Panel?

The Keppel Technology Advisory Panel is a key platform to advance the Group’s technology leadership

Separately, Keppel Technology & Innovation serves as a Group‑wide resource to sharpen focus on innovation and be a catalyst for change

We have set targets to invest in sustainability‑linked innovation

What makes Keppel unique?

To address complex and interrelated issues that may be difficult for the Group to solve alone, Keppel adopts a robust ecosystem and value chain approach, working in close partnership with the industry stakeholders including institutes of higher learning, government agencies, global and local corporates, as well as venture funds and start-ups

Keppel design and analysis
Keppel design and analysis

Professional head of the United Kingdom's Royal Navy

The First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff (1SL/CNS) is a statutory position in the British Armed Forces usually held by a four star admiral.
As the highest-ranking officer to serve in the Royal Navy, the chief is the principal military advisor on matters pertaining to the navy and a deputy to the Secretary of State for Defence.
In a separate capacity, the CNS is a member of the Chiefs of Staff Committee and, thereby, a military advisor to the National Security Council, the prime minister and the monarch.
The First Sea Lord is typically the highest-ranking officer on active duty of the Royal Navy unless the Chief of the Defence Staff is a naval officer.
Admiral Ben Key was appointed First Sea Lord in November 2021.


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