Design and analysis of algorithms levitin ppt

How does the second alternative organize the presentation around algorithm design techniques?

The second alternative organizes the presentation around algorithm design techniques

Inthisorganization,algorithmsfromdifferentareasofcomputingare groupedtogetheriftheyhavethesamedesignapproach

Isharethebeliefofmany (e g

,[BaY95])thatthisorganizationismoreappropriateforabasiccourseonthe design and analysis of algorithms

What are algorithm design techniques?

Algorithmdesign techniques(or “strategies” or “paradigms”) are general approaches to solving problems algorithmically, applicable to a variety of problems from different areas of computing

Summary65 Although designing an algorithm is undoubtedly a creative activity, one can identify a sequence of interrelated actions involved in such a process

What are the best books on algorithm design & analysis?


Introduction to design & analysis of algorithm By Anany levitin, Pearson Publication 2

Design & Analysis of Algorithm By A A Puntambekar , Technical Publication 3

Introduction to Algorithms By Thomas Cormen , MIT Press Web Resources:- 1

Google 2 Wikipedia


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