Design and analysis of algorithms quiz questions with answers

  • Is analysis of algorithms difficult?

    Algorithms is probably one of the harder courses in your comp sci. degree, but it's totally doable.
    What makes it so difficult compared to other courses is how much intuition is involved in designing/analyzing algorithms..

  • What is design analysis of algorithms?

    Design and Algorithm analysis is an important part of computational complexity theory, that provides theoretical estimation for the required resources of an algorithm to solve computational problems.
    Algorithms are the steps that are written in the documentation that help in solving complex problems..

  • Explanation: An algorithm is a stepwise solution to the problem.
    Explanation: In Divide and Conquer we divide the problem and then recombine the solution.
    Explanation: In Dynamic programming algorithms we utilize previous results for new ones.
    Explanation: For Complexity, we calculate both time and space consumed.


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