Design and analysis of the randomized response technique

  • What is the method of randomized response?

    This method asks respondents to use a randomization device, such as a coin flip, whose outcome is unobserved by the interviewer.
    By introducing random noise, the method conceals individual responses and protects respondent privacy..

  • What is the randomized response technique by Warner?

    Randomised response is a research method used in structured survey interview.
    It was first proposed by S.
    Warner in 1965 and later modified by B.
    Greenberg and coauthors in 1969.
    It allows respondents to respond to sensitive issues (such as criminal behavior or sexuality) while maintaining confidentiality..

  • What is the randomized response technique?

    This method asks respondents to use a randomization device, such as a coin flip, whose outcome is unobserved by the interviewer.
    By introducing random noise, the method conceals individual responses and protects respondent privacy..

  • A person is asked if they had sex with a prostitute this month.
    Before they answer, they flip a coin.
    They are then instructed to answer "yes" if the coin comes up tails, and truthfully, if it comes up heads.
    Only they know whether their answer reflects the toss of the coin or their true experience.
  • Example.
    Q1: Have you used cocaine before? Q2: Is the second hand of your watch between 0 and 30? The respondent will flip a coin and decide which question to answer whereas the interviewer does not know the outcome of the coin.
Randomized response (RR) is an interview technique designed to eliminate this evasive response bias (Warner, 1965). This technique utilizes a randomizing device, for instance, a dice or a spinner, to randomly perturb the answers to the sensitive question so that the respondents' actual status is not revealed.
This method asks respondents to use a randomization device, such as a coin flip, whose outcome is unobserved by the interviewer. By introducing random noise, the method conceals individual responses and protects respondent privacy.

Do random-ized response procedures confuse respondents?

On the other hand, other scholars caution that the random- ized response procedures may confuse respondents and yield noncompliance, requiring more experienced interviewers for successful implementation (e


, Holbrook and Krosnik 2010; Coutts et al

2011; Wolter and Preisend ̈ orfer 2013; H ̈ oglinger, Jann, and Diekmann 2014)

What are randomized response techniques (RRT/RRM)?

To overcome such undesirable consequences, randomized response techniques [RRTs, in short] have been introduced and extensively used in real-life situations

We discuss some salient features of this technique

Almost half a century back, randomized response technique/methodology [RRT/RRM] was first introduced and popularized by Warner

When was the randomized response method invented?

Design and Analysis of the Randomized Response Technique About a half century ago, in 1965, Warner proposed the randomized response method as a survey technique to reduce potential bias due to nonresponse and social desirability when asking questions about sensitive behaviors and beliefs

Design and Analysis of the Randomized Response Technique Graeme BLAIR, Kosuke IMAI, and Yang-Yang ZHOU About a half century ago, in 1965, Warner proposed the randomized response method as a survey technique to reduce potential bias due to nonresponse and social desirability when asking questions about sensitive behaviors and beliefs.The primary purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive review of a data-gathering device which was first introduced exactly ten years ago by Stanley L. Warner (1965). technique, known as randomized response (RR), provides the researcher with an opportunity to reduce, if not eliminate, the response biases which usually occur when respondents human population surveys are queried about highly personal matters.


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