Digital logic design and analysis

  • Digital circuit examples

    There are seven basic logic gates: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR, and XNOR.
    The AND gate is so named because, if 0 is called "false" and 1 is called "true," the gate acts in the same way as the logical "and" operator.
    The following illustration and table show the circuit symbol and logic combinations for an AND gate..

  • Fundamentals of digital Electronics

    Course Objectives
    Be able to design and analyze sequential logic circuits.
    Understand the basic software tools for the design and implementation of digital circuits and systems..

  • Fundamentals of digital Electronics

    Digital Circuits are designed using logic gates, diodes, transistors, inductors, capacitors, and resistors.
    As Digital Circuits follow Boolean Laws, the logic expressions should be simplified for a small circuit.
    Small the digital circuit, the easier for it to be embedded in Integrated Circuits (ICs)..

  • How do you analyze logic circuits?

    To analyse the behaviour of a logic circuit a truth table can be used.
    As well as the inputs and the output, extra columns are added for the intermediate points in the logic circuit.
    Note: Logic circuits can also be analysed using Boolean Algebra or Karnaugh Maps but this page only considers basic truth tables..

  • How does digital logic design work?

    Digital Logic is rooted in binary code, a series of zeroes and ones each having an opposite value.
    This system facilitates the design of electronic circuits that convey information, including logic gates.
    Digital Logic gate functions include and, or and not..

  • What are the steps in logic design?

    General design procedure for combinational logic

    1. Understand the problem
    2. . what is the circuit supposed to do? .
    3. Formulate the problem using a suitable design representation
    4. . truth table or waveform diagram are typical.
    5. Choose implementation target.
    6. ROM, PAL, PLA.
    7. Follow implementation procedure.
    8. K-maps for two-level, multi-level.

  • What does logic design do?

    Logic Design refers to the basic organization of the circuit components in a digital computer.
    It forms an important part of embedded surfaces and involves designing components to work together and perform their logical functions..

  • What is digital logic and design?

    Digital logic design is a system in electrical and computer engineering that uses simple number values to produce input and output operations..

  • What is digital logic and design?

    Digital Logic Design is foundational to the fields of electrical engineering and computer engineering.
    Digital Logic designers build complex electronic components that use both electrical and computational characteristics.
    These characteristics may involve power, current, logical function, protocol and user input..

  • What is the course description of digital logic design?

    Design and implementation of combinational and sequential logic circuits.
    Concepts of Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, flip-flops, registers, and counters along with various logic families and comparison of their behavior and characteristics..

  • What is the function of an AND gate?

    An AND gate is an electrical circuit that combines two signals so that the output is on if both signals are present.
    The output of the AND gate is connected to a base driver which is coupled to the bases of transistors, and alternately switches the transistors at opposite corners of the inverter..

Digital Logic Design is foundational to the fields of electrical engineering and computer engineering. Digital Logic designers build complex electronic components that use both electrical and computational characteristics. These characteristics may involve power, current, logical function, protocol and user input.
The book teaches you the logic gates, logic families, Boolean algebra, simplification of logic functions, analysis and design of combinational circuits usingĀ 

What is a digital logic course?

This course is designed to teach students how to design a digital logic circuit to perform a specific desired function

This course will give students a much better understanding of how the internals of a computer work

so our course aims to teach students the fundamentals of digital logic design

What is included in the architecture & logic design book?

The book also covers data and control path design strategies, architecture design strategies, multiple clock domain design and exercises , low-power design strategies and solutions at the architecture and logic-design level

The book covers 60 exercises with solutions and will be useful to engineers during the architecture and logic design phase

What is logic design?

Covers the fundamentals of logic design, describing an efficient method to design combina- tional logic and state machines both manually and using modern CAD tools

complete introduction to digital design is given through clear explanations, extensive examples, and online VHDL files


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