Design history timeline

  • Graphic design movements

    The history of design is a complex and quite relative matter.
    We could start tracing the roots of visual communication back to the cave paintings around 38 000 BC.
    During these prehistoric times, the inherent drive towards art in humans as species is proven by paintings on caves discovered all around the world..

  • What design era are we in now?

    Contemporary design refers to the style of the present day..

  • What happened in 15000 3600 BCE in the history of graphic design?

    Graphic Design Roots: 15,000 – 3,600 BC
    Graphic design can be traced all the way back to 15,000 BC, when the first known visual communications arose.
    These pictographs and symbols are present in the Lascaux caves in southern France.
    Fast-forward several thousand years, and you'll discover the Blau Monument..

  • What is the role of history in design?

    History and design are closely intertwined, and a thorough understanding of history is essential to creating meaningful and effective designs.
    History can provide designers with valuable insights into the past, allowing them to learn from the successes and failures of those who came before them..

  • When did design history begin?

    Historians can trace the origins of graphic design all the way back to cave paintings in 38,000 BCE.
    However, with a focus on business and marketing, we're going to start our lesson with the first instance of graphic design as we know it today..

  • When was the first design made?

    Historians trace the origins of graphic design to early cave paintings from about 38,000 BC.
    These early forms of cave paintings were how people communicated from one generation to another.
    Subjects in these cave paintings mainly featured animals, handprints, weapons, and other references to hunting..

  • Why is it important to know design history?

    If you take the time to learn about design history, you can receive great insight into not just how these great designers visually designed, but also into their thoughts, philosophies, and methods of solving problems with design and why they made the specific design choices that they made throughout their career..

  • Graphic design can be traced all the way back to 15,000 BC, when the first known visual communications arose.
    These pictographs and symbols are present in the Lascaux caves in southern France.
    Fast-forward several thousand years, and you'll discover the Blau Monument.
  • Graphic Design Roots: 15,000 – 3,600 BC
    Graphic design can be traced all the way back to 15,000 BC, when the first known visual communications arose.
    These pictographs and symbols are present in the Lascaux caves in southern France.
    Fast-forward several thousand years, and you'll discover the Blau Monument.
The timeline includes the following graphic design periods
  • Victorian Graphic Design Style: 1837 - 1901.
  • Arts & Crafts Graphic Design Style:1880 - 1910.
  • Art Nouveau Graphic Design Style: 1890 - 1920.
  • Futurism Graphic Design Style: 1900 - 1930's.
  • Art Deco Graphic Design Style: 1920 -1940's.
A Timeline of Design History1890s: Art Nouveau1900s: Plakatstil1910s: Futurism1910s: Constructivism1920s: Dada1920s: Art Deco1920s: De 

How Design Needs Changed in The 2010s —

Technology changes over every decade, but in the 2010s, the digital sphere went through a rapid growth spurt

How Graphic Design Tools Evolved Over The Decade —

With digital spaces growing at an exponential rate in the 2010s, designers found their workload on the rise

How The Graphic Design Industry Went Digital in The 2010s —

As we’ve seen, designers are no strangers to tech, but in the 2010s, they pretty much abandoned the analogue plane altogether

How Design Trends Changed Over The Decade —

In the future, when someone says, “What were we thinking? That design is sooo 2010s!”— what will they mean

The 2010-2020 Decade in Graphic Design: That’S A Wrap! —

So there you have it: everything that happened in the 2010s as it relates to graphic design contained in a single blog article

How did design change in the 20th century?

As recorders of time, 20th century design movements responded to the machine age of the 1920s society and started to produce design pieces influenced by the invention of mass-produced materials

After the wars, the need for a more humanist approach to the world influenced the embrace of natural materials and handmade objects

What is the timeline of graphic design?

From the first words and pictures to printing innovation and design styles, the timeline of graphic design is a colorful story

From the first words and pictures to printing innovation and design styles, the timeline of graphic design is a colorful story

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Time travel through the evolution of Product Design

  • The Industrial Revolution (1750- 1850) ...
  • The Great Reform Movements (1850–1914) ...
  • Art Nouveau ( 1880–1910) ...
  • Modernism to Pre-war luxury and power (1900–1945) ...
  • Bauhaus Movement (1919–1933) ...
  • The Post war period (1945–1970) ...
  • Experimentation and Anti Design (1965–1976) ...
  • High Tech Miniaturization (1972–1985) ...
More items
The following is a partial timeline of the history of golf.


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