Ignore art until you can't

  • - Different style. - Or simply outstanding skill.
    If you art gets ignored it doesn't mean it's bad art it simply means it's not rare enough.
    Making something that's truly admirable is hard.Jun 15, 2014
  • Are there limits to what we can call art?

    No, there are not boundaries because art is the product of the minds experiences and there are no limits to experiences.
    Yes, boundaries in creation could exist if the experiences of the artist have created limits.
    But these limits, lack of experiences, are not permanent..

  • Is 19 too late to learn art?

    No, it's never too late to learn anything.
    I learned a second language and how to animate at 21.
    I stopped drawing for 3 or so years, and didn't get serious until I was around 26, and had the most improvements when I got older.
    You can always learn, you just have to keep doing it..

  • Is 30 too late to be an artist?

    We falsely buy into the notion that creativity is a youthful pursuit.
    However, many artists—many successful artists —create work throughout their entire life and some of their best work in their later years.
    As we age, we have many more experiences and more wisdom to draw from when we create..

  • Is it OK to take a break from art?

    Many artists feel pressured to do their art non stop, when really taking breaks is extremely valuable and necessary in improving and progressing as an artist.
    Artists: Stop Feeling Guilty \& Take Breaks From Your Art.

  • Is it too late to be good at art?

    It is never too late to start again with a new beginning or to reinvent yourself.
    Monet didn't start seriously painting until his wife died in his 40's.
    Folk artist Grandma Moses didn't start painting until she was in her 70's.
    Georgia O'Keeffe famously painted throughout the later years of her life..

  • Many people believe that art requires only creativity and no boundaries, but in reality, this approach to education does not work for most students.
    Rules for art and boundaries in art education are essential.
    They teach students to work within certain realities.
  • You can do this at any age.
    It may take a few years to achieve the skill level you want.
    But starting right now is the way to get there.
    Besides, creating art is what gives many people real happiness.
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Do you believe people have negative thoughts about your art?

Allowing yourself to believe people have negative thoughts towards your art reflects onto your own perception. It permeates into your mind and convinces you that there’s no way anyone could ever like you or your art. But it’s just that. A twisted perception you’ve created out of fear and vulnerability.

Is it bad art if it gets ignored?

If you art gets ignored it doesn't mean it's bad art it simply means it's not rare enough. Making something that's truly admirable is hard. People that make admirable artwork more than once or twice get lucky and usually stay quite popular even if other work they post is of less significance
They already conquered the eye of the beholder.

Love It Or Hate It – Which Perception Can Help You Improve Your Art faster?

Not everything is black and white. Hating your art isn’t always bad, and loving your art isn’t always ideal. Both have pros and cons and I want you to acknowledge all of the shades of grey in between both.

Should you care what people think of you and your art?

In a sense you are right.. than again
you SHOULD care what people think of you and your art! They are your market and potential clients. It's easier when you're already doing your dream job and couldn't care less for other potential directions... but most of us will always stay interested in new opportunities.

Why do people get ignored in the art-scene?

Compare your skills with the average of their artworks. If it matches yours
You will have a chance. However
Keep in mind that those artworks had been done in a limited timeframe
Usually within 12 hour
This is why you (and your art) get ignored. People often get the sense of being ignored in the art-scene
Especially here online.

Why Do You Hate Your Art and How Can You Learn to Love It instead?

Million dollar question, am I right? The answer to this question depends on each individual case. There’s no one-size-fits-all. But there are a few explanations that may help you understand where this dislike for your art comes from. Once you understand that, you’ll be able to find a way to overcome it and grow to love your art.

Ignore art until you can't
Ignore art until you can't

Human rights slogan

I can't breathe is a slogan associated with the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States.The phrase originates from the last words of Eric Garner

An unarmed man who was killed in 2014 after being put in a chokehold by a New York City Police Officer.A number of other Black Americans

  1. Such as :
  2. Javier Ambler
  3. Manuel Ellis
  4. Elijah McClain
  5. And George Floyd

Have said the same phrase prior to dying during similar law-enforcement encounters.According to a 2020 report by The New York Times

The phrase has been used by over 70 people who died in police custody.


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