Art qaeda

  • How big is the al-Qaeda?

    Al Qaeda emerged out of the anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
    As the Soviets prepared to withdraw, Osama Bin Laden and a few of his close associates—high on their perceived victory over the mighty Soviet Union—decided to capitalize on the network they had built to take jihad global..

  • How big is the Al-Qaeda?

    In 2001, Al-Qaeda had around 20 functioning cells and 70,000 insurgents spread over sixty nations.
    According to latest estimates, the number of active-duty soldiers under its command and allied militias have risen to approximately 250,000 by 2018..

  • How did Al Qaeda get its start?

    Al Qaeda emerged out of the anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
    As the Soviets prepared to withdraw, Osama Bin Laden and a few of his close associates—high on their perceived victory over the mighty Soviet Union—decided to capitalize on the network they had built to take jihad global..

  • How did Al-Qaeda get its start?

    Al Qaeda emerged out of the anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
    As the Soviets prepared to withdraw, Osama Bin Laden and a few of his close associates—high on their perceived victory over the mighty Soviet Union—decided to capitalize on the network they had built to take jihad global..

  • How does Al Qaeda make money?

    Similarly, Al Qaeda and its affiliates have consistent streams of revenue generated from various sources, including contributions and donations from their supporters, proceeds generated from criminal activities such as drug trafficking, extortion, kidnapping and illicit taxation of smuggled goods, as well as revenues .

  • How does al-Qaeda make money?

    Similarly, Al Qaeda and its affiliates have consistent streams of revenue generated from various sources, including contributions and donations from their supporters, proceeds generated from criminal activities such as drug trafficking, extortion, kidnapping and illicit taxation of smuggled goods, as well as revenues .

  • How long did it take Osama bin Laden?

    The raid, approved by US President Barack Obama and involving two dozen Navy SEALs in two Black Hawk helicopters, was launched from about 120 miles (190 km) away in Afghanistan, where U.S. forces were stationed.
    The raid took 40 minutes, and bin Laden was killed shortly before 1:00 a.m.
    PKT (20:00 UTC, May 1)..

  • How many planes crashed on 911?

    Nineteen terrorists from al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial airplanes, deliberately crashing two of the planes into the upper floors of the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center complex and a third plane into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia..

  • How much did Osama bin Laden have?

    A handwritten will by Osama bin Laden said he had a fortune of "about 29 million dollars" and that most of it should be spent "on Jihad," according to documents released by the U.S. government on Tuesday..

  • How old was Al Zawahiri?

    In 1988, after Soviet forces were defeated and withdrew from Afghanistan, bin Laden founded an organization called al Qaeda, or “the Base,” to continue the cause of jihad (holy war) through violence and aggression..

  • Is Al Shabaab affiliated with al-Qaeda?

    Relationship with Al Qaeda
    While Al Shabaab's leaders appear to broadly share Al Qaeda's transnational agenda, the group operates independently.
    Among other AQ affiliates, the group maintains ties with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), with which it runs a smuggling network..

  • Was Al-Qaeda funded by the US?

    Virtually all of the plot funding was provided by al Qaeda.
    There is no evidence that any person in the United States, or any foreign government, provided any substantial funding to the hijackers..

  • Was Osama bin Laden Sunni or Shia?

    The Bin Laden family made $5 billion in the construction industry, of which Osama later inherited around $25–30 million.
    Bin Laden was raised as a devout Sunni Muslim.
    From 1968 to 1976, he attended the elite Al-Thager Model School.
    He studied economics and business administration at King Abdulaziz University..

  • What Al Qaeda means?

    The US government issued an indictment in November 1998 alleging that Osama bin Laden heads an international terrorist network called "Al Qaeda," an Arabic word meaning "the base.".

  • What happened September 11th 2001?

    On September 11, 2001, terrorists killed nearly 3,000 people and injured more than 6,000 others in the worst attack against the homeland in our nation's history..

  • What is the origin of Al Qaeda?

    In 1988, after Soviet forces were defeated and withdrew from Afghanistan, bin Laden founded an organization called al Qaeda, or “the Base,” to continue the cause of jihad (holy war) through violence and aggression..

  • What was Al Qaeda's motive?

    Al-Qaeda hoped that, by attacking these symbols of American power, they would promote widespread fear throughout the country and severely weaken the United States' standing in the world community, ultimately supporting their political and religious goals in the Middle East and Muslim world..

  • What was Al-Qaeda's motive?

    Al-Qaeda hoped that, by attacking these symbols of American power, they would promote widespread fear throughout the country and severely weaken the United States' standing in the world community, ultimately supporting their political and religious goals in the Middle East and Muslim world..

  • When did Osama make al Qaeda?

    In 1988, after Soviet forces were defeated and withdrew from Afghanistan, bin Laden founded an organization called al Qaeda, or “the Base,” to continue the cause of jihad (holy war) through violence and aggression..

  • Where do Al-Qaeda live?

    Al Qaeda (AQ) is a Salafi militant organization with leadership based in Afghanistan and Pakistan and a network of members and affiliates around the world..

  • Where is Al Qaeda located?

    Since in or about 1996, Usama Bin Laden and others operated al Qaeda from their headquarters in Afghanistan.
    During this time, Bin Laden and others forged close relations with the Taliban in Afghanistan..

  • Who founded al-Qaeda and when?

    In 2001, Al-Qaeda had around 20 functioning cells and 70,000 insurgents spread over sixty nations.
    According to latest estimates, the number of active-duty soldiers under its command and allied militias have risen to approximately 250,000 by 2018..

  • Who funds Al Qaeda?

    Contrary to popular myth, Usama Bin Ladin does not support al Qaeda through a personal fortune or a network of businesses.
    Rather, al Qaeda financial facilitators raise money from witting and unwitting donors, mosques and sympathetic imams, and nongovernment organizations such as charities..

  • Who funds Al-Qaeda?

    Contrary to popular myth, Usama Bin Ladin does not support al Qaeda through a personal fortune or a network of businesses.
    Rather, al Qaeda financial facilitators raise money from witting and unwitting donors, mosques and sympathetic imams, and nongovernment organizations such as charities..

  • Who is Al Shabaab allied with?

    Most of its fighters are predominantly interested in the nationalistic battle against the FGS and not supportive of global jihad.
    Al-Shabaab's senior leaders remain affiliated with al-Qa'ida..

  • Who is leader of Al Qaeda?

    These individuals include Abu Ubaydah Yusuf al-Anabi, current leader of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, and Ahmed Diriye, the leader of al Shabaab..

  • Why was 9 11 chosen?

    Often, it is a date that only meant something to a very limited or arcane circle until its true value was unveiled to a stunned world.
    Thus Princip chose the date of Serbia's 14th century defeat in Kosovo and McVeigh chose the anniversary of Janet Reno's bloodbath at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas..

  • Al Qaeda (AQ) is one of the most powerful terrorist organizations in the world, with a long history and a global reach.
    It is composed of a core group of operatives and leadership largely based in Pakistan and Afghanistan and maintains relationships with a number of affiliate organizations around the world.
  • Al Qaeda emerged out of the anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
    As the Soviets prepared to withdraw, Osama Bin Laden and a few of his close associates—high on their perceived victory over the mighty Soviet Union—decided to capitalize on the network they had built to take jihad global.
  • Al-Qaeda fighters are mostly urban, have little religious training, and wage international jihad.
    Their objectives are global.
    The Taliban, on the other hand, are mostly from the countryside, their leaders have more religious training, and they have mostly local objectives.
    They just want to take Afghanistan back.
  • In or about 1991, the leadership of al Qaeda, including its "emir" (or prince) Usama Bin Laden, relocated to the Sudan.
    Al Qaeda was headquartered in the Sudan from approximately 1991 until approximately 1996 but still maintained offices in various parts of the world.
  • Nineteen terrorists from al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial airplanes, deliberately crashing two of the planes into the upper floors of the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center complex and a third plane into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia.
  • On September 11, 2001, terrorists killed nearly 3,000 people and injured more than 6,000 others in the worst attack against the homeland in our nation's history.
  • On that date, a group of nineteen men crashed two airplanes into the Twin Towers and one into the Pentagon outside of Washington DC.
    The men tried to crash a fourth plane into another building, but the passengers fought back and the plane crashed into an empty field in Pennsylvania.
  • On the morning of 11 September 2001, 19 Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial passenger planes in the United States.
    Two planes were flown into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, causing both towers to collapse.
    A third plane was crashed into the Pentagon, just outside Washington, DC.
  • The Bin Laden family made $5 billion in the construction industry, of which Osama later inherited around $25–30 million.
    Bin Laden was raised as a devout Sunni Muslim.
    From 1968 to 1976, he attended the elite Al-Thager Model School.
    He studied economics and business administration at King Abdulaziz University.
  • The raid, approved by US President Barack Obama and involving two dozen Navy SEALs in two Black Hawk helicopters, was launched from about 120 miles (190 km) away in Afghanistan, where U.S. forces were stationed.
    The raid took 40 minutes, and bin Laden was killed shortly before 1:00 a.m.
    PKT (20:00 UTC, May 1).
Apr 22, 2016Co-directors Ian Roderick Gray and Dylan Harvey may be as good at performing in front of an audience as they are at calling the shots behind  ,Abstract.
This chapter presents two approaches to understanding franchising decisions.
An arena-based analysis looks at the value of specific locations.,Al Qaeda (AQ) is a Salafi militant organization with leadership based in Afghanistan and Pakistan and a network of members and affiliates around the world.,Al-Qaeda, broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s.
It began as a logistical network to support Muslims  al-Qaeda in IraqHoly warAyman al-ZawahiriAfghan War,Nearly decimated by the US attack, al-Qaeda encouraged its affiliates and its existing cells outside Afghanistan to carry out attacks against Muslim regimes and  ,The four case studies include the Islamic Group's attack on the Temple of Hatshepsut, Al Qaeda's bombing of the Askariya Shrine, Ansar Dine's assault on 
Art qaeda
Art qaeda

The international activities of Al-Qaeda includes

Involvements in Europe

Where members of the group have been involved in militant and terrorist activities in several countries.Al-Qaeda has been responsible for or involved in attacks in Western Europe and Russia

Including :

The 2004 Madrid train bombings

2010 Moscow Metro bombings

2011 Domodedovo International Airport bombing

And the January 2015 Île-de-France attacks.


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