Art label template

  • Does Canva have label templates?

    Labels should contain no more than 120 words.
    Some works in an exhibition may have labels that contain only the tombstone information—the most basic details about the work of art (artist's name, title, date, medium, etc.).
    Other labels will contain both the tombstone as well as paragraphs of informational text..

  • How big should art labels be?

    Labels should use a clear 'sans serif' font such as Helvetica, Geneva or Arial, with a font size of at least 18-22 points. 12-point text is common for written documents but is much too small for an exhibition setting.
    Extended spacing between lines can make text easier to read..

  • How big should art labels be?

    The artist name and date are to be signed on the bottom right side of a print just below the printed image.
    Never on the image The title of the print is to be written in the center of the image just below the printed image.
    It's also common to put the title in parentheses or inverse commas..

  • How do I create an art label?

    Your label should include:

    1Artist's name.
    2) Nationality, birth year (Optional.
    3) Title of the artwork (in bold or italic), year created.
    4) Medium used to create (ex: crayon on paper)5Brief description (This is where you can include any information about the artist, why they created the piece, how they created the piece, etc.).

  • How do I create an art label?

    A template is basically a document that has a pre-determined page layout and style that can be edited to produce the required finished document; label templates replicate the size and layout of the labels on a sheet, which allows you to add your design to the correct areas of the page to get your design printed .

  • How do I create an art label?

    Keep in mind and ensure that labels are placed on the side of the artwork which will be approached first.
    Place labels between eye-level at 150cm to a lower height of 1m and within close proximity to the artwork they reference.
    Adhere small mounted labels with Bluetac or similar easy to remove product..

  • How do I create an art label?

    Open Word for the web.
    Select a label template when you create a new document.
    Select More templates if you don't see what you want.
    You can also go to, and search for label..

  • How do I create an art label?

    The physical construction of a label should be such that the words are not crowded; a one inch border on every side is a good guide – consider 3” x 5” to be the minimum dimensions of your labels.
    Your font size should never be smaller than 12pt. to accommodate the broadest range of visitors to your exhibit..

  • How do I find label templates?

    A template is basically a document that has a pre-determined page layout and style that can be edited to produce the required finished document; label templates replicate the size and layout of the labels on a sheet, which allows you to add your design to the correct areas of the page to get your design printed .

  • How do I find label templates?

    The physical construction of a label should be such that the words are not crowded; a one inch border on every side is a good guide – consider 3” x 5” to be the minimum dimensions of your labels.
    Your font size should never be smaller than 12pt. to accommodate the broadest range of visitors to your exhibit..

  • How do you format an art label?

    The artist name and date are to be signed on the bottom right side of a print just below the printed image.
    Never on the image The title of the print is to be written in the center of the image just below the printed image.
    It's also common to put the title in parentheses or inverse commas..

  • How do you format art labels?

    Your label should include:

    1Artist's name.
    2) Nationality, birth year (Optional.
    3) Title of the artwork (in bold or italic), year created.
    4) Medium used to create (ex: crayon on paper)5Brief description (This is where you can include any information about the artist, why they created the piece, how they created the piece, etc.).

  • How do you format art labels?

    The absolute minimum type size for exhibit labels or graphics is 18 point (one point, the traditional measure of type sizes, is 1/72 of an inch).
    If at all possible use a larger size than this, say 24 point, for body text with still larger sizes, say 36 point, for headlines..

  • How do you label art prints?

    The artist name and date are to be signed on the bottom right side of a print just below the printed image.
    Never on the image The title of the print is to be written in the center of the image just below the printed image.
    It's also common to put the title in parentheses or inverse commas..

  • How do you label art prints?

    The physical construction of a label should be such that the words are not crowded; a one inch border on every side is a good guide – consider 3” x 5” to be the minimum dimensions of your labels.
    Your font size should never be smaller than 12pt. to accommodate the broadest range of visitors to your exhibit..

  • How do you label art prints?

    Use italics and sentence case for artwork titles.
    Italicise the titles of individual artworks and use sentence case.
    Sometimes the artist has made a different typographic choice for the title.
    If so, follow the capitalisation of the original..

  • Is there a label template on word?

    The physical construction of a label should be such that the words are not crowded; a one inch border on every side is a good guide – consider 3” x 5” to be the minimum dimensions of your labels.
    Your font size should never be smaller than 12pt. to accommodate the broadest range of visitors to your exhibit..

  • What are art labels for?

    A good label gives accurate information about the artwork (title, artist, date created, medium) but can also tell us a little bit about the artist and their process and or/ motivation to create.
    That additional information helps us understand, appreciate, and enjoy the work even more.
    Now, let's make a label.

  • What are label templates?

    A template is basically a document that has a pre-determined page layout and style that can be edited to produce the required finished document; label templates replicate the size and layout of the labels on a sheet, which allows you to add your design to the correct areas of the page to get your design printed .

  • What is a label template?

    Open Word for the web.
    Select a label template when you create a new document.
    Select More templates if you don't see what you want.
    You can also go to, and search for label..

  • What is a label template?

    The artist name and date are to be signed on the bottom right side of a print just below the printed image.
    Never on the image The title of the print is to be written in the center of the image just below the printed image.
    It's also common to put the title in parentheses or inverse commas..

  • What is the main role of a label in most works of art?

    Each label includes certain basic information about the work of art that answers the “W's” of journalism: * Who made it? This could be an individual, a team of business or creative partners, an unknown artist within a cultural group or community, or a combination of these..

  • What is the standard exhibition label size?

    Open Word for the web.
    Select a label template when you create a new document.
    Select More templates if you don't see what you want.
    You can also go to, and search for label..

  • What size are art exhibition labels?

    Browse through Canva's library of beautiful and ready-made label templates.
    Narrow down your search by adding keywords that fit the theme you're looking for.
    Simply click on the template you like to get started..

  • What size are art exhibition labels?

    The artist name and date are to be signed on the bottom right side of a print just below the printed image.
    Never on the image The title of the print is to be written in the center of the image just below the printed image.
    It's also common to put the title in parentheses or inverse commas..

  • What size are art labels?

    How to Create Your Own Label Template in Microsoft Word

    1 Create a new document.
    2) Go to the “Mailings” tab and select “Labels”3 Select “Options”4 Select “New Label”5 Create your label name..

  • What size are art labels?

    Write clear, concise labels
    Most art schools want some basic information about selections in your portfolio.
    A title, date, and description of the medium are standard.
    If more information is requested, elaborate without being excessive..

  • Where do you put art labels?

    The absolute minimum type size for exhibit labels or graphics is 18 point (one point, the traditional measure of type sizes, is 1/72 of an inch).
    If at all possible use a larger size than this, say 24 point, for body text with still larger sizes, say 36 point, for headlines..

  • Where to find label template?

    Open Word for the web.
    Select a label template when you create a new document.
    Select More templates if you don't see what you want.
    You can also go to, and search for label..

  • Browse through Canva's library of beautiful and ready-made label templates.
    Narrow down your search by adding keywords that fit the theme you're looking for.
    Simply click on the template you like to get started.
  • The absolute minimum type size for exhibit labels or graphics is 18 point (one point, the traditional measure of type sizes, is 1/72 of an inch).
    If at all possible use a larger size than this, say 24 point, for body text with still larger sizes, say 36 point, for headlines.
  • Use italics and sentence case for artwork titles.
    Italicise the titles of individual artworks and use sentence case.
    Sometimes the artist has made a different typographic choice for the title.
    If so, follow the capitalisation of the original.
  • Visitors are easily overwhelmed when presented with too much information at once, so when writing labels, leave out details that don't support the overall message of your exhibition.
    Labels should contain no more than 120 words.
$6.50Art Label Templates for Canva that are pre-formatted for consistent, professional art labels.
Skip the hassle of spacing and layout.

How do I label my art?

Label the art in your collection with this printable caption label template. Add the artist's name
And year or customize with the title of the pieceDescription
Etc. Design features a simple background to keep focus on your gallery's artwork. We found 5 compatible sizes. Choose a template below to edit this design.

What are the different types of Art label templates?

These templates include
Variables of editions

  1. Pricing
  2. Credit line
Plus museum labels with didactic text and inventory reference numbers. A link to 6 variations of 8.5 x 11″ art label templates that can be fully customized using Canva. An instructional PDF with information on customizing and printing your labels.

What should be included on a label?

I always make sure to include
The artist’s website and instagram handle because potential clients quite often take a photograph of the label if they would like to remember the artwork. Note:
An editioned photograph should also include
The edition size on the label. This label is sized 2 x 4 inches and uses Avery template 8923.

How do I label my art?

Label the art in your collection with this printable caption label template. Add the artist's name, location, and year or customize with the title of the piece, description, etc. Design features a simple background to keep focus on your gallery's artwork. We found 5 compatible sizes. Choose a template below to edit this design.

What are the different types of Art label templates?

These templates include variables of editions, pricing, credit line, plus museum labels with didactic text and inventory reference numbers. A link to 6 variations of 8.5 x 11″ art label templates that can be fully customized using Canva. An instructional PDF with information on customizing and printing your labels.

What should be included on a label?

I always make sure to include the artist’s website and instagram handle because potential clients quite often take a photograph of the label if they would like to remember the artwork. Note: An editioned photograph should also include the edition size on the label. This label is sized 2 x 4 inches and uses Avery template 8923.

Please note: this free art label generator (also known as a museum label generator) is still in testing phase and onc…


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