Afro asian literature history

What is Afro Asia?

With contributions from activists

  1. Artists
  2. And scholars
Afro Asia is a groundbreaking collection of writing on the historical alliances
Cultural connections
And shared political strategies linking African Americans and Asian Americans.

What was the role of the Afro-Asian Writers Association?

W. E. B. Du Bois Papers (MS 312). Special Collections and University Archives
University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries. The Afro-Asian Writers Association was the main organizational vehicle of the Soviet engagement with postcolonial literatures.

When did Afro-Asian Exchange begin?

Contributors examine the fertile period of Afro-Asian exchange that began around the time of the 1955 Bandung Conference
The first meeting of leaders from Asian and African nations in the postcolonial era. One assesses the relationship of two important 1960s Asian American activists to Malcolm X and the Black Panthers.

When was the first Afro-Asian Writers Congress held?

Following in that tradition
The 1958 Tashkent Congress of Afro-Asian Writers was only the first of eight Congresses in this history of the Association
The others being hosted by Cairo (1962)
Beirut (1967)
New Delhi (1970)Alma Ata (1973)
Luanda (1979)
Tashkent (1983)And Tunis (1988).


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