What is asian literature

  • Types of Asian literature

    During the era of the Chinese Exclusion Act, literary works were produced in Mandarin, Cantonese and English about the Chinese immigrant experience, including personal and collective poems carved into the walls of the Angel Island Immigration Station by Chinese detainees; the memoirs of Chinese American life by .

ASIAN LITERATUREď‚·Asian literature encompasses the rich and widely diverse cultural and ethnic heritages found in such countries as China, India, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, and more.
ď‚·By its technical term, it is basically the literary products made in continent Asia throughout history.,The ancient literature chapter in East Asia covers the earliest recorded literary works from China, Japan, and Korea, which date back to around 1000 BC.
This period is characterized by the development of oral traditions, religious and philosophical texts, and early forms of poetry and prose.


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