Chinese literature quora

  • The graphic nature of the written aspect of the Chinese language has produced a number of noteworthy effects upon Chinese literature and its diffusion: (.
    1) Chinese literature, especially poetry, is recorded in handwriting or in print and purports to make an aesthetic appeal to the reader that is visual as well as aural
Historical and cultural context: Chinese literature is rooted in a rich cultural and historical tradition that goes back thousands of years, whereas American  ,Many translations of Chinese literature and fiction, poetry, and other works are available in English and other languages, and many Chinese authors are gaining  ,Sure, sometimes it is obscure or you have to slow down or read the annotation to figure it out, but basically, you have over three thousand years of literature on all topics under the sun to enjoy.
(Parts of 尚書 reach back to the Neolithic.),The amount of time it takes to read Classical Chinese literature fluently depends on a number of factors, including your existing knowledge of Chinese, 

Cao Xueqin, 1715-1763

One of the most popular and influential Chinese writers dates back to the 18th century. Unfortunately, he lived a relatively short life, but he certainly left a mark with his book titled Dream of the Red Chamber. This book is considered one of the four great classical novels and all of Chinese literature, and it is still popular to this day. The bo.

Eileen Chang, 1920 – 1995

Eileen Chang, who also goes by the name Zhang Ailing, is widely considered to be one of the greatest Chinese writers of all time. She was a student when the Japanese occupied Hong Kong during World War II, where she lived, but she would ultimately return home to Shanghai. She made a living by writing novels and short stories that reflected her expe.

Lu Guanzhong, 1330 – 1400

Lu Guanzhong was a prolific writer from the Middle Ages of Chinese history who has had many works attributed to his name. He is credited as the writer of the second of the four famed classical novels of Chinese literature, titled Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The book is long, containing over 750,000 Chinese characters. It is a story that discusse.

Lu Xun, 1881 – 1936

Lu Xun started his career studying medicine in Japan but decided that he was a better writer than a doctor. Therefore, he switched careers but got a relatively late start publishing his work. Finally, in 1918, he published his first short story close to the end of World War I. It was titled A Madman’s Diary, and it is widely considered one of the f.

MA Jian, Born 1953

Ma Jian is one of the most prolific Chinese writers, but he is also a writer in exile. He writes about the importance of rights that were not afforded to him in China, which put him on the bad list of the Chinese government. He has written a wide variety of books over the years, including Red Dust, which talks about his journey from Beijing into ru.

MO Yan, Born 1955

Mo Yan is one of the most famous writers of the modern era. Time Magazine once famously referred to him as one of the most influential, pirated, and banned Chinese writers of all time. He publishes influential novels filled with social critiques that grip readers from page to page. He also won the Nobel Prize for Literature for his work, Red Sorghu.

Should Chinese literature be translated into English?

In addition
Zhao & Ma have emphasized that the publications in their study indicate that while literary translation into Chinese is very popularChinese literature is ‘probably one of the least translated literatures into English’ ( 2019
P. 106) and suggest that more efforts are needed to promote the globalization of Chinese literature.

What is the difference between literary Chinese and Classical Chinese?

Classical Chinese (古文) refers to the Chinese of the classical period
Beginning in the Warring States period and lasting through the end of the Han dynasty. Literary Chinese (文言文) starts from the Han dynasty and continues up through the early 20th century
When it was officially replaced by 白話
Or Vernacular Chinese
Though some people

Why is Chinese literature so unique in the world?

China is the only country in the world with a literature written in one language for more than 3
000 consecutive years. This continuity results largely from the nature of the written language itself. The dominance of the written language has had significant effects on the development of the literature.

Wu Cheng’En, 1500 – 1582

Wu Cheng’en is one of the most well-known Chinese writers from the Middle Ages. He is considered the author of the third of four great classical Chinese novels, including Journey to the West. The story is based on the supposed journey of a Buddhist monk named Xuanzang and his experiences along the way. Essentially, he leads a group of pilgrims from.

Yan Lianke, Born 1958

One of the greatest contemporary writers from China is Yan Lianke. He is from Henan but has relocated to Beijing. Many people consider him a contender for the Nobel Prize in Literature. One of his most famous works is The Day the Sun Died, a direct critique of the oppressor Chinese government. The story talks about residents in a small village who .

Yu Hua, Born 1960

Yu Hua is considered one of the most daring Chinese authors still writing to this day. He is from Beijing and crafts all his work using a lens that combines critical commentary and satire. Therefore, he is a defiant author, and his passion is reflected in his writing. One of his most famous stories is titled Chronicle of a Blood Merchant. This is a.

Should Chinese literature be translated into English?

In addition, Zhao & Ma have emphasized that the publications in their study indicate that while literary translation into Chinese is very popular, Chinese literature is ‘probably one of the least translated literatures into English’ ( 2019, p. 106) and suggest that more efforts are needed to promote the globalization of Chinese literature.

Why is Chinese literature so unique in the world?

China is the only country in the world with a literature written in one language for more than 3,000 consecutive years. This continuity results largely from the nature of the written language itself. The dominance of the written language has had significant effects on the development of the literature.


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