Southeast asian literature ppt

  • Asian Literatures

    The Art of Storytelling compares the ways in which artists over the last five hundred years have retold and reinterpreted five epic works of Asian literature: the Mahabharata and Ramayana from India, Shahnameh from Iran, Journey to the West from China, and Tale of Genji from Japan..

  • Types of Asian literature

    In recent times literature from South Asian countries – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and Myanmar – have produced powerful literature in English that captures the nuances of various types of the crisis faced by South Asia..

Sep 12, 202014.
Early influences in Southeast Asian literature in Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos can be traced to two main sources: INDIGENOUS and  ,Sep 12, 20206.
Overview: Southeast Asia is described as a “Land of Gold” Due to its richness and resources = Indian, Chinese, Arab and Persian traders 

How did Southeast Asian writers make a living?

During the time of the kings
A Southeast Asian writer enjoyed patronage and a prestigious position in society. He could not
Make a living by writing as a profession. Manuscripts had to be written by handAnd only in the case of famous works might one or two duplicates be made
Again by hand.


From the point of view of its “classical” literatures, Southeast Asia can be divided into three major regions: (1) the Sanskrit region of Cambodia and Indonesia; (2) the region of Burma where Pali, a dialect related to Sanskrit, was used as a literary and religious language; and (3) the Chinese region of Vietnam.

The 15th century

In the 15th century, four types of verse existed: (1) pyo (religious verse), which retold stories of Buddha’s birth and teaching and were taken from the Jatakas (a collection of folktales adapted to Buddhist purposes and incorporated into the Pali canon), to which were added imaginative details and a Burmese background; (2) linkar (shorter religious verse), or a devotional poem, characterized by a metaphysical flavour comparable in many ways to that which informs the work of the early 17th-century English poets George Herbert and Robert Herrick; (3) mawgoon (historical verse), half ode, half epic, written in praise of a king or prince and developing out of military marching songs; (4) ayegyin (lullaby), an informative poem usually addressed to a young prince or princess and written in praise of his royal ancestors.

The 16th century

In the 16th century, the Burmese conquered Siam, and their subsequent knowledge of Thai romantic poems gave rise to a new verse form called the yadu (the seasons). They borrowed only the theme, however, and not the form, and they developed it as an emotional poem, passionate, yet with something of the cool intellectual strength of the poems of the .

What are the three major regions of Southeast Asia?

From the point of view of its “classical” literatures
Southeast Asia can be divided into three major regions:
(1) the Sanskrit region of Cambodia and Indonesia; (2) the region of Burma where Pali
A dialect related to Sanskrit
Was used as a literary and religious language; and (3) the Chinese region of Vietnam.

How did Southeast Asian biographies become a literary canon?

Such biographies (or hagiogra-phies) became part of the literary canon of Southeast Asian countries.Early forms of “texts” included etching on palm leaf or bamboo. A sharp knife was used to inscribe the surface, and then dark ashes were rubbed on to make the cuts stand out.

What are the main themes of South Asian writers?

Women suppression Gender oppression is one of the main themes of South Asian writers. Progressive writer movement turned out to be a turning point for the female writers as it welcomed unorthodox and untraditional ways. Atrocities against women in sub-continent has caused much upheaval on international level as well.

What is South Asian literature?

An analysis of housing credit program for urban hoausehold case study in HCMC... Introduction The term "South Asian literature" refers to the literary works of writers from the Indian subcontinent and its diaspora.


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