Chinese literature canon

  • Chinese classic novels

    Origins: c. 1400–221 bce.
    The oldest specimens of Chinese writing extant are inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells dating back to the last three centuries of the Shang dynasty (18th–12th centuries bce) and recording divinations performed at the royal capital..

  • Chinese classic novels

    The Five Classics (五經; Wǔjīng) are five pre-Qin Chinese books that became part of the state-sponsored curriculum during the Western Han dynasty, which adopted Confucianism as its official ideology..

  • Oldest Chinese books

    Chinese literature contains four masterpieces known as the Four Great Classical Novels (四大名著).
    Journey to the West, Outlaws of the Marsh, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Dream of the Red Chamber were written during the Ming and Qing dynasties..

  • Oldest Chinese books

    Classical Chinese refers to the written language of the classical period of Chinese literature, from the end of the Spring and Autumn period (early 5th century BC) to the end of the Han dynasty (AD 220), while Literary Chinese is the form of written Chinese used from the end of the Han dynasty to the early 20th century .

  • Oldest Chinese books

    The concept of a canon goes back at least as far as the 1860s, when the Victorian poet Matthew Arnold articulated an idea of culture being the pursuit of the “best that has been thought and said”.
    This very wording was used to define the aims of England's national curriculum in 1988 and remains in place to this day..

  • Oldest Chinese books

    The Six Confucian Classics areThe Book of Changes,The Book of History,The Book of Songs,The Book of Rites,The Book of Music, andThe Spring and Autumn Annals.
    An important proposition put forward by scholars of late imperial China was that those are all historical texts..

  • What is canonization of Chinese literature?

    Even-Zohar defines 'canonized' forms as “those literary norms and works… which are accepted as legitimate by the dominant circles within a culture and whose conspicuous products are preserved by the community to become part of its historical heritage” (1990: 15)..

  • What is China's most popular literary form?

    The Six Confucian Classics areThe Book of Changes,The Book of History,The Book of Songs,The Book of Rites,The Book of Music, andThe Spring and Autumn Annals.
    An important proposition put forward by scholars of late imperial China was that those are all historical texts..

  • What is the most ancient Chinese literature?

    The principal genre of Chinese literature is poetry; early folk songs established the shi (shih) form that crystallized during the Han dynasty and dominated for the next 1,200 years..

  • What is the most important Chinese literature?

    The earliest known narrative history of China was the Zuo Zhuan, which was compiled no later than 389 BC, and attributed to the blind 5th-century BC historian Zuo Qiuming..

  • What makes a literary canon?

    The literary canon is often understood to mean the group of authors or works that a consensus of academics, historians and teachers recognise as worthy of study: these are the texts that are regularly in print, are studied for school examinations and in universities and which have 'status'..

  • When was the literary canon?

    The concept of a canon goes back at least as far as the 1860s, when the Victorian poet Matthew Arnold articulated an idea of culture being the pursuit of the “best that has been thought and said”.
    This very wording was used to define the aims of England's national curriculum in 1988 and remains in place to this day..

  • Who are the 5 authors in the literary canon?

    Literary canon is a compilation of works that all others are measured against because of their literary skill and value.
    Understand the full definition and learn authors whose works have become literary canon, such as Homer, William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Ray Bradbury, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez..

  • Who defines the literary canon?

    Traditionally, the people drawing up our cultural canons have been an elite group of scholars and critics who embraced a work of art and sent it aloft to some deifying realm..

  • Why was the literary canon created?

    Why is literary canon important? The literary canon serves as an important standard for determining the quality and long-term value of any given work.
    Even texts and writers who are not specifically considered canonical are measured against the broader canon for determining their literary value..

Rating 5.0 (1) $30.68The Chinese Literary Canon weaves a thread in and out of the history, presented in the warm, distinctive voice of Yu Qiuyu.
Born in 1946 in China's Zhejiang  ,All of these pre-Qin texts were written in either Old or Classical Chinese.
All three canons are collectively known as the Classics (經; 经; jīng; 'warp thread').Qin dynastyWestern Han dynastySong dynastyList of Classics,All three canons are collectively known as the Classics (經; 经; jīng; 'warp thread').
The term Chinese classic texts may be broadly used in reference to texts  Qin dynastyWestern Han dynastySong dynastyList of Classics,Cha thinks that “canon” in the translated literature has three meanings.
Firstly, it refers to the outstanding translations in the history of translated.,Chinese classic texts or canonical texts (simplified Chinese: 中国古典典籍; traditional Chinese: 中國古典典籍; pinyin: Zhōngguó gǔdiǎn diǎnjí) or simply dianji (典籍) refers to the Chinese texts which originated before the imperial unification by the Qin dynasty in 221 BC, particularly the "Four Books and Five Classics" of the Neo- ,Chinese classic texts or canonical texts or simply dianji (典籍) refers to the Chinese texts which originated before the imperial unification by the Qin  Qin dynastyWestern Han dynastySong dynastyList of Classics,The Four Books (四書; Sìshū) are Chinese classic texts illustrating the core value and belief systems in Confucianism.
They were selected by Zhu Xi in the Song  Qin dynastyWestern Han dynastySong dynastyList of Classics
Chinese literature canon
Chinese literature canon

Canon of Chinese Buddhism, and much of the Sinosphere

The Chinese Buddhist canon refers to a specific collection of Chinese language Buddhist literature that is deemed canonical in Chinese


Korean and Vietnamese Buddhism.The traditional term for the canon is Great Storage of Scriptures.

Mahayana Canon

Mahayana Canon

Topics referred to by the same term

Mahayana canon is the canon of scriptures of Mahayana Buddhism.


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