Chinese literature censorship

  • 1984 (Paperback)
    The classic dystopian novel was challenged in 1981 in Jackson County, Florida because the book was declared “pro-communist and contained explicit sexual matter.” Because the novel offers insight to those under the leadership of oppressive regimes, this book has been banned and even burned.
  • Are books censored in China?

    Book censorship in the People's Republic of China (PRC) is mandated by the PRC's ruling party, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and is currently widespread in China.
    Enforcement is strict and sometimes inconsistent..

  • Does China allow freedom of speech?

    Although the 1982 constitution guarantees freedom of speech, the Chinese government often uses the "subversion of state power" and "protection of state secrets" clauses in their law system to imprison those who criticize the government..

  • Does China censor blood in anime?

    The Chinese government has repeatedly censored anime shows that the country considers immoral, especially those that include bloody and violent scenes..

  • How does China deal with censorship?

    Multiple organs of both the CCP and the Chinese state exercise various degrees of responsibility for censorship.
    The Publicity Department of the CCP plays a major role in censorship.
    It issues editorial guidelines for media nationwide, delineating topics that cannot be covered or must be covered in a certain way..

  • How many books have been censored?

    The unparalleled number of reported book challenges in 2022 nearly doubles the 729 book challenges reported in 2021.
    A record 2,571 unique titles were targeted for censorship, a 38% increase over the 1,858 unique titles targeted for censorship in 2021..

  • What are the examples of censorship in China?

    Specific examples of Internet censorship

    The Chinese government censors Internet materials related to the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre. The government's Internet censorship of such topics was especially strict during the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests, which occurred in 2009..

  • What books are censored in China?

    Will the Boat Sink the Water (2004)Chen Guidi and Wu ChuntaoAcademic studyMao: The Unknown Story (2005)Jung ChangPoliticalLingren Wangshi (2005)Zhang YiheNon-fictionDream of Ding Village (2006)Yan LiankeNovel.

  • What content is censored in China?

    The PRC bans certain content regarding independence movements in Tibet and Taiwan, the religious movement Falun Gong, democracy, the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, Maoism, corruption, police brutality, anarchism, gossip, disparity of wealth, and food safety scandals..

  • What happened in 1958 in China?

    In 1958, Chairman Mao launched a radical campaign to outproduce Great Britain, mother of the Industrial Revolution, while simultaneously achieving Communism before the Soviet Union..

  • What is the impact of censorship in China?

    Based on the case studies, the Commission estimates that the largest impacts associated with censorship-related measures are the forgone revenues from market access denial to businesses that provide social media platforms, over-the-top communications services, and internet search services, as well as audiovisual .

  • What is the meaning of censorship in China?

    China censors both the publishing and viewing of online material.
    Many controversial events are censored from news coverage, preventing many Chinese citizens from knowing about the actions of their government, and severely restricting freedom of the press..

  • What is the most banned book in the world?

    For all time, the most frequently banned book is 1984 by George Orwell. (How very Orwellian) The most banned and challenged book for 2020 was George by Alex Gino..

  • What music is censored in China?

    China says it will ban songs that it deems a threat to national unity, security, sovereignty, territorial integrity, honour, state religious policies or the national interest.
    It will also allegedly target songs that incite ethnic hatred and discrimination..

  • What topics are censored in China?

    The PRC bans certain content regarding independence movements in Tibet and Taiwan, the religious movement Falun Gong, democracy, the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, Maoism, corruption, police brutality, anarchism, gossip, disparity of wealth, and food safety scandals..

  • When did China Internet censorship start?

    In September 2000, State Council Order No. 292 created the first set of content restrictions for Internet content providers.
    China-based websites cannot link to overseas news websites or distribute news from overseas media without separate approval..

  • When did Chinese censorship start?

    In the Republican China period, the earliest known instance of Chinese censorship was in 1941 when the second volume of the book "Inside Asia", by John Gunther, was banned by the Nationalist government..

  • When did Chinese censorship start?

    The Central Government of China started its Internet censorship with three regulations.
    The first regulation was called the Temporary Regulation for the Management of Computer Information Network International Connection.
    The regulation was passed in the 42nd Standing Convention of the State Council on 23 January 1996..

  • When was literature censored?

    The censorship of literature on the charge of obscenity appears to have begun in the mid-19th century.
    The rise of the middle class, who had evangelical backgrounds, brought about this concern with obscenity..

  • Which countries have banned 1984?

    The book 1984, being about suppression of information itself, was banned in the USSR for being anti-communist, but it also was banned in the USA for being pro-communist..

  • Why does China censor the Internet?

    The reasons behind the Internet censorship in China include: Social control: the Internet is a means for freedom of speech, and dissemination of campaigns could lead to protests against the government.
    Sensitive content: to control information about the government in China..

  • Why is there censorship in literature?

    Book censorship can arise for any number of reasons.
    Concerned parties may find certain texts to be unfit for a learning environment.
    Some of the most common reasons for censorship include: Offensive Language – Novels that contain profane or offensive language are one reason which book could be censored..

  • After Chinese Communist Party chairman Mao Zedong's death in 1976, Deng gradually rose to supreme power and led China through a series of far-reaching market-economy reforms earning him the reputation as the "Architect of Modern China".
  • Although the 1982 constitution guarantees freedom of speech, the Chinese government often uses the "subversion of state power" and "protection of state secrets" clauses in their law system to imprison those who criticize the government.
  • Anime.
    The Chinese government has repeatedly censored anime shows that the country considers immoral, especially those that include bloody and violent scenes.
  • Based on the case studies, the Commission estimates that the largest impacts associated with censorship-related measures are the forgone revenues from market access denial to businesses that provide social media platforms, over-the-top communications services, and internet search services, as well as audiovisual
  • Book censorship can arise for any number of reasons.
    Concerned parties may find certain texts to be unfit for a learning environment.
    Some of the most common reasons for censorship include: Offensive Language – Novels that contain profane or offensive language are one reason which book could be censored.
  • For all time, the most frequently banned book is 1984 by George Orwell. (How very Orwellian) The most banned and challenged book for 2020 was George by Alex Gino.
  • In September 2000, State Council Order No. 292 created the first set of content restrictions for Internet content providers.
    China-based websites cannot link to overseas news websites or distribute news from overseas media without separate approval.
  • Pornography, for example, is often censored under this rationale, especially child pornography, which is illegal and censored in most jurisdictions in the world.
    Military censorship is the process of keeping military intelligence and tactics confidential and away from the enemy.
    This is used to counter espionage.
Book censorship is a method of censorship which has been employed in China since the start of the Qin dynasty (221 to 206 BC).
Both domestic and foreign books  HistoryMao ZedongMainland ChinaHong Kong,Book censorship is a method of censorship which has been employed in China since the start of the Qin dynasty (221 to 206 BC).
Both domestic and foreign books which do not meet the central government's requirement will be censored and forbidden to be published.,Book censorship is a method of censorship which has been employed in China since the start of the Qin dynasty (221 to 206 BC).
Both domestic and foreign books  HistoryMao ZedongMainland ChinaHong Kong,China's state-run General Administration of Press and Publication (新闻出版总署) (GAPP) screens all Chinese literature that is intended to be sold on the open market.
The GAPP has the legal authority to screen, censor, and ban any print, electronic, or Internet publication in China.,Cultural.
China has historically sought to use censorship to protect the country's culture.
During the Cultural Revolution of the 1970s, foreign literature and art forms, religious works and symbols, and even artifacts of ancient Chinese culture were deemed "reactionary" and became targets for destruction by Red Guards ,In 213 BCE, the government of ancient China waged a book censorship campaign which is called the "burning of books and burying of scholars".
Aisin Gioro Hongli  HistoryMao ZedongMainland ChinaHong Kong,Literature.
China's state-run General Administration of Press and Publication (新闻出版总署) screens all Chinese literature that is intended to be sold on the open market.
The GAPP has the legal authority to screen, censor, and ban any print, electronic, or Internet publication in China.,This dogma began immediately after 1949 and culminated in the 1950s and 60s, during the Cultural Revolution, in which books identified as anti-Communist and anti-Maoist were censored and banned.

How did censorship affect literature?

Anyone with a computer and an internet connection could share his or her work on literary forums
Where censorship was nascent and piecemeal. Free from the scrutiny of editors and censors
Writers had a more direct relationship with their readers
Who relished their refreshingly unabashed accounts of their historical moment.

Is China censoring the Journal of Asian Studies & American Political Science Review?

Rather than being a standalone occurrence
It was reported that the Journal of Asian Studies and the American Political Science Review
Also published by CUP
received similar censorship requests on August 22 and September 20
Respectively. According to CUP
All international publishers are facing the long-term challenge of censorship from China.

Is LexisNexis censored in China?

Users in mainland China must access academic journals on LexisNexis through a virtual private networkWhich also was recently the subject of a crackdown. Summarizing the previous discussion
It can be seen that the scope of censorship has been gradually expanding in two dimensions.

What is book censorship in China?

Book censorship in the People's Republic of China (PRC) is mandated by the PRC's ruling party
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
And is currently widespread in China. Enforcement is strict and sometimes inconsistent. Punishment for violations can be arbitrary many times leading to long sentences for crimes against censorship laws.

Are Chinese writers capturing the everyday realities that the government keeps hidden?

Many Chinese writers are looking for ways to capture the everyday realities that the government keeps hidden — sometimes at their own peril. As China strove for a larger role on the international stage at the turn of the century, the arrival of the internet and a relatively relaxed political environment spurred a boom in self-expression.

How did censorship affect literature?

Anyone with a computer and an internet connection could share his or her work on literary forums, where censorship was nascent and piecemeal. Free from the scrutiny of editors and censors, writers had a more direct relationship with their readers, who relished their refreshingly unabashed accounts of their historical moment.

How did the Internet change Chinese literature?

This internet-based community constituted a sea change for Chinese literature. Until the mid-1990s, jobs were assigned by the government. For generations of writers, membership in the state-sponsored writers’ association and staff jobs at party publications or state news agencies were more or less the only path to a career in letters.

Chinese literature censorship
Chinese literature censorship

Suppression of speech or other information

Censorship is the suppression of speech

Public communication

Or other information.This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable

  1. Harmful
  2. Sensitive

Or inconvenient.Censorship can be conducted by governments

Private institutions and other controlling bodies.

Germany has taken many forms throughout the history of censorship in the country.Various regimes have restricted the press

  1. Cinema
  2. Literature

And other entertainment venues.In contemporary Germany

The Grundgesetz generally guarantees freedom of press

Overview of censorship in Japan

Censorship in Japan has taken many forms throughout the history of the country.While Article 21 of the Constitution of Japan guarantees freedom of expression and prohibits formal censorship

Effective censorship of obscene content does exist and is justified by the Article 175 of the Criminal Code of Japan.Historically

The law has been interpreted in different ways—recently it has been interpreted to mean that all pornography must be at least partly censored

And a few arrests have been made based on this law.

Censorship in Taiwan was greatly relaxed when the state moved away from authoritarianism in 1987.Since then

The media has generally been allowed to broadcast political opposition.Today

The focus of censorship is slander and libel

Censorship in the Soviet Union

Censorship in the Soviet Union

Communist-led oppression against freedom

Censorship in the Soviet Union was pervasive and strictly enforced.

Censorship of content in the United States of America

In the United States

Censorship involves the suppression of speech or public communication and raises issues of freedom of speech

Which is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.Interpretation of this fundamental freedom has varied since its enshrinement.Traditionally

The First Amendment was regarded as applying only to the Federal government

Leaving the states and local communities free to censor or not.As the applicability of states rights in lawmaking vis-a-vis citizens' national rights began to wane in the wake of the Civil War

Censorship by any level of government eventually came under scrutiny

But not without resistance.For example

In recent decades

Censorial restraints increased during the 1950s period of widespread anti-communist sentiment

As exemplified by the hearings of the House Committee on Un-American Activities.In Miller v.California (1973)

The U.S.Supreme Court found that the First Amendment's freedom of speech does not apply to obscenity

  1. Which can
  2. Therefore

Be censored.While certain forms of hate speech are legal so long as they do not turn to action or incite others to commit illegal acts

More severe forms have led to people or groups being denied marching permits or the Westboro Baptist Church being sued

Although the initial adverse ruling against the latter was later overturned on appeal to the U.S.Supreme Court case Snyder v.Phelps.

Publishing process

Clandestine literature

Also called underground literature

Refers to a type of editorial and publishing process that involves self-publishing works

Often in contradiction with the legal standards of a location.Clandestine literature is often an attempt to circumvent censorship


Or other suppression.In academic study

Such literature may be referred to as heterodox publications.

Film censorship is carried out by various countries to differing

Film censorship is carried out by various countries to differing

Films that are banned in a particular country

Film censorship is carried out by various countries to differing degrees

Sometimes as a result of powerful or relentless lobbying by organizations or individuals.Films that are banned in a particular country change over time.

Act of censoring or classifying one's own discourse

Self-censorship is the act of censoring or classifying one's own discourse.This is done out of fear of

Or deference to

The sensibilities or preferences of others and without overt pressure from any specific party or institution of authority.Self-censorship is often practiced by film producers

  1. Film directors
  2. Publishers
  3. News anchors
  4. Journalists
  5. Musicians

And other kinds of authors including :

Individuals who use social media.


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