Chinese historical literature

  • Chinese literary fiction

    The earliest known narrative history of China was the Zuo Zhuan, which was compiled no later than 389 BC, and attributed to the blind 5th-century BC historian Zuo Qiuming..

  • Chinese literary works

    The principal genre of Chinese literature is poetry; early folk songs established the shi (shih) form that crystallized during the Han dynasty and dominated for the next 1,200 years..

  • Example of Chinese literature

    The practice of appealing to authoritative texts appeared as early as the Analects of Confucius, around 500 bc.
    An explicit classical canon first appeared some four hundred years later during the Han dynasty (206 bc–ad 220), when Emperor Wu institutionalized a set of five classics associated with Confucius..

  • What is the oldest Chinese history book?

    The oldest surviving history texts of China were compiled in the Book of Documents (Shujing).
    The Spring and Autumn Annals (Chunqiu), the official chronicle of the State of Lu, cover the period from 722 to 481 BC and are among the earliest surviving Chinese historical texts to be arranged as annals..

The history of Chinese literature reaches back over 3000 years, prior to the development of paper.,The most important of these philosophical writings, as far as Chinese culture are concerned, are the texts known as The Five Classics and The Four Books (The I-Ching, The Classics of Poetry, The Classics of Rites, The Classics of History, The Spring and Autumn Annals, The Analects of Confucius, The Works of Mencius, ,There is a wealth of early Chinese literature dating from the Hundred Schools of Thought that occurred during the Eastern Zhou dynasty (770–256 BC).
The most  Historical texts, dictionaries Modern literatureHistory books about Chinese

How many types of literature are there in China?

He also classified four kinds of literature: the Creative literature (beginning), the Mimic literature (since Zhou and Qin), the National literature (Tang and Song), and the Popular literature (Song and Yuan). This classification is based on the spirit of the Chinese literary trends.


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