Chinese literature poetry

What is a Shijing poem?

The elder of these two works
The Shijing (also familiarly known
In English
As the Classic of Poetry and as the Book of Songs or transliterated as the Sheh Ching) is a preserved collection of Classical Chinese poetry from over two millennia ago.

When did Classical Chinese poetry start?

A high point of classical Chinese poetry occurred during the Tang period (618–907):
Not only was this period prolific in poets; but
Also in poems (perhaps around 50
000 poems survive
Many of them collected in the Complete Tang Poems ).

What is traditional poetry in China?

In modern China, “traditional poetry” (also called “classical”) refers to gu shi 古詩 (old poetry) and encompasses poetic writing since Antiquity to the end of the imperial era.

Why should you study Chinese poetry?

Chinese poems are a great way to deepen your knowledge of the Chinese language. When studying these beautiful forms of classic literature, you'll also learn useful vocabulary, grammar points and gain insight into Chinese culture and history. Read this for 10 well-known Chinese poems and tips to studying poetry on your own.

Chinese literature poetry
Chinese literature poetry

Overview of Classical Chinese poetry forms

Classical Chinese poetry forms are poetry forms or modes which typify the traditional Chinese poems written in Literary Chinese or Classical Chinese.Classical Chinese poetry has various characteristic forms

Some attested to as early as the publication of the Classic of Poetry

Dating from a traditionally

And roughly

Estimated time of around 10th–7th century BCE.The term forms refers to various formal and technical aspects applied to poems:

This includes

Such poetic characteristics as meter


And other considerations such as :

Vocabulary and style.These forms and modes are generally

But not invariably

Independent of the Classical Chinese poetry genres.Many or most of these were developed by the time of the Tang Dynasty

And the use and development of Classical Chinese poetry and genres actively continued up until the May Fourth Movement

And still continues even today in the 21st century.

Japanese poetry is poetry typical of Japan

Japanese poetry is poetry typical of Japan

Literary tradition of Japan

Japanese poetry is poetry typical of Japan

  1. Or written
  2. Spoken

Or chanted in the Japanese language

  1. Which includes
  2. Old Japanese
  3. Early Middle Japanese
  4. Late Middle Japanese
  5. And Modern Japanese

As well as poetry in Japan which was written in the Chinese language or ryūka from the Okinawa Islands:

It is possible to make a more accurate distinction between Japanese poetry written in Japan or by Japanese people in other languages versus that written in the Japanese language by speaking of Japanese-language poetry.Much of the literary record of Japanese poetry begins when Japanese poets encountered Chinese poetry during the Tang dynasty.Under the influence of the Chinese poets of this era Japanese began to compose poetry in Chinese kanshi); and

As part of this tradition

Poetry in Japan tended to be intimately associated with pictorial painting

Partly because of the influence of Chinese arts

And the tradition of the use of ink and brush for both writing and drawing.It took several hundred years to digest the foreign impact and make it an integral part of Japanese culture and to merge this kanshi poetry into a Japanese language literary tradition

And then later to develop the diversity of unique poetic forms of native poetry

  1. Such as :
  2. waka
  3. haikai

And other more Japanese poetic specialties.For example

In the Tale of Genji both kanshi and waka are frequently mentioned.The history of Japanese poetry goes from an early semi-historical/mythological phase

Through the early Old Japanese literature inclusions

Just before the Nara period

  1. The Nara period itself
  2. The Heian period
  3. The Kamakura period
  4. And so on

Up through the poetically important Edo period and modern times; however

The history of poetry often is different from socio-political history.

Modern Chinese poetry

  1. Including :
  2. New poetry

Refers to post Qing dynasty Chinese poetry

Including :

The modern vernacular (baihua) style of poetry increasingly common with the New Culture and 4 May 1919 movements

With the development of experimental styles such as :

  1. free verse ; but
  2. Also including :

Twentieth and twenty-first century continuations or revivals of Classical Chinese poetry forms.Some modern Chinese poetry represents major new and modern developments in the poetry of one of the world's larger areas

As well as other important areas sharing this linguistic affinity.One of the first poets and theorist in the modern Chinese poetry mode was Hu Shih (1891–1962).

Yuan poetry refers to those types or styles of poetry particularly associated with the era of the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368)

In China.Although the poetic forms of past literature were continued

The Yuan period is particularly known for the development of the poetic aspects included in the complex mix of different art forms which characterize Chinese opera

Namely the qu or fixed-tone pattern type of verses that were delivered by the actors of these shows.Although the language of Yuan poetry is still generally considered to be Classical Chinese

A certain vernacular aspect reflecting linguistic changes can be seen in some of the fixed-rhythm verse forms

Such as :

Yuan ci and qu.Certain aspects of Yuan poetry can be understood in the context of the social and political changes which took place as part of the process of the Mongol conquest of the Jin and Song Dynasties and their subsequent establishment of the Yuan dynasty.


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