Assembly language programming examples for 8085

  • 8085 operates on a clock frequency of 3MHz–6MHz depending upon the version selected.
    Clock is provided by a crystal oscillator of 2 times the frequency, so as to produce a 50% duty cycle clock.
    The minimum operating frequency of 8085 is 500kHz.
  • How many memory locations can be addressed directly by Intel 8085 ______?

    i.e. n-bit address bus - 2^n memory locations. 8085 has a 16-bit address bus. ∴ It can access 2^16 = 65536 memory locations ∴ 64 KB memory..

  • How to write a program in 8085 microprocessor?


    1LDA 2500H.
    2) MOV C, A : "Initialize counter"3MVI B, 00H : "sum = 0"4LXI H, 2501H : "Initialize pointer"5BACK: MOV A, M : "Get the number"6ANI 01H : "Mask Bit l to Bit7"7JNZ SKIP : "Don't add if number is ODD"8MOV A, B : "Get the sum".

  • What is the assembly language of a microprocessor?

    An assembly language is a low-level programming language for microprocessors and other programmable devices.
    Assembly language is the most basic programming language available for any processor.
    Assembly languages generally lack high-level conveniences such as variables and functions..

  • What is the need of assembly language programming in microprocessor?

    Assembly language is used to directly manipulate hardware, access specialized processor instructions, or evaluate critical performance issues.
    These languages are also used to leverage their speed advantage over high level languages for time-sensitive activities such as high frequency trading..

  • When was 8085 invented?

    The Intel 8085 ("eighty-eighty-five") is an 8-bit microprocessor produced by Intel and introduced in March 1976..

  • Who designed 8085 microprocessor?

    8085 is pronounced as "eighty-eighty-five" microprocessor.
    It is an 8-bit microprocessor designed by Intel in 1977 using NMOS technology..

  • Since the 8085 is an 8-bit device it can have up to 28 (256) instructions.
    However, the 8085 only uses 246 combinations that represent a total of 74 instructions.
    Each instruction has two parts.
    The first part is the task or operation to be performed.
  • The fastest instructions such as Reg to Reg MOV take 4 clock periods, instructions that address memory such as Memory INC , JUMP to address or PUSH take 10 clock periods and the longest instructions are the CALL variants which take 18 clock periods.
  • The simulator has two parts, an assembler (built using PEGjs) which translates 8085 assembly code to machine code and a 8085 microprocessor simulator (written in C and compiled to JS using Emscripten) which executes machine code.
  • These are some of the most commonly used assembler directives in the 8085 microprocessor.
    Assembler directives are an essential part of the assembly process, and they help programmers to manage memory and define constants and data structures in their code.
Jun 28, 2022Problem – Write an assembly language program to add two 8 bit numbers stored at address 2050 and address 2051 in 8085 microprocessor.
The  ,Machine independent languages are called.
– High-level languages.
– For e.g.
– A software called Compiler is required to convert  ,Six general-purpose registers.
– B, C, D, E, H, L.
– Can be combined as register pairs to perform 16-bit operations (BC, DE, HL).

Calculate The Sum of Series of Even Numbers

Example Program The numbers are placed in the memory locations 2501 to 2504H. The sum is to be stored in the memory location 2450H. As there are 4 numbers in the series, count = 04 The initial value of the sum is made 00. The even number of the series are taken one by one and added to the sum.

Finding 1's Complement of A Number

To obtain one's complement of a number its 0 bits are replaced by 1 and 1 by.
0) Example 1 Example 2 Program The number is placed in the memory location 2501 H. The result is stored in the memory location 2502 H.

How to sort numbers in descending order using 8085 assembly language?

In this tutorial
We will learn how to sort numbers in descending order using the 8085 assembly language program. Step 1:
Load the number of values to be sorted in the A register. Step 2:
Move the 8-bit number to the B register. Step 3:
Decrement B register for N-1 comparison.

What are some important instructions of 8085?

Let's see some simple example to demonstrate the use of some important instructions of 8085. The memory addresses given in the program are for a particular microprocessor kit. These addresses can be changed to suit the microprocessor kit available in your system. MVI M :
"Store 49H in memory location pointed by H-L register pair (2501H)"

What is 8085 microprocessor simulator?

The computers using the microprocessor and the additional peripherals is called as microcomputer. The 8085 Microprocessor Simulator is a total software solution to replace the microprocessor kit from training and design labs.

What is 8086 assembly language programming?

Assembly language programming 8086 is hardware oriented programming language which 8086 microprocessor assembly language programs. it also implement em肆. assembly program to chek a number positive or negative.

What are some important instructions of 8085?

Let's see some simple example to demonstrate the use of some important instructions of 8085. The memory addresses given in the program are for a particular microprocessor kit. These addresses can be changed to suit the microprocessor kit available in your system. MVI M : "Store 49H in memory location pointed by H-L register pair (2501H)"


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