Assembly language program to convert hex to bcd

How to convert 16-bit BCD to equivalent hex value in 8086 microprocessor?

16-bit Hex is converted to BCD and 16-bit BCD is converted to equivalent Hex value using Assembly programming. To perform BCD to Hex number conversion using Assembly language for 8086 microprocessor. BCD to Hex conversion is performed. To perform Hex to BCD number conversion using Assembly language for 8086 microprocessor.

How to convert hexadecimal number to BCD number?

The Principle of hexadecimal number to BCD number conversion Suppose ABCD is a 4-digit binary number (possibly ones
10 or 100 bits
Adjusts it to BCD code. Since the entire calculation is implemented in successive shiftsABCDE is obtained after shifting one bit (E is from low displacement and its value is either 0 or 1).

What is hex-to-BCD GitHub?

GitHub - ishangote/HEX-to-BCD:
Assembly x86 program for conversion of HEX number to BCD format and vice versa. Failed to load latest commit information. Assembly x86 program for conversion of HEX number to BCD format and vice versa.

How to convert a binary number to a BCD?

A binary number is store dat location 800H. Convert the number into its BCD equivalent and store it to the memory location 8050H. Here we are taking a number from the memory, and initializing it as a counter. Now in each step of this counter we are incrementing the number by 1, and adjust the decimal value.

How to find the BCD value of a hexadecimal number?

Convert the number into its BCD equivalent and store it to the memory location 8050H. Here we are taking a number from the memory, and initializing it as a counter. Now in each step of this counter we are incrementing the number by 1, and adjust the decimal value. By this process we are finding the BCD value of binary number or hexadecimal number.

Ascii_Hex: ;procedure to convert Ascii to Hex mov rax,0 mov rcx,4 mov rsi,hex mov rbx,0 loop1: rol bx,4...0

I use this code for 1byte conversion from hex to BCD in the C language and it works only for 0-99d. If you need 2byte, word, procedure are similar....0

here is a C function to convert uint32 to BCD and store it in array so respectively in decimal format. Note that defined 'len' is maximum length of...0

The Second method is not WRONG but it is actually part of the main method for conversion i.e. the number greater than 9 should always be adjusted b...


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