Assembly language programming operating system

What happens if an assembly language fails?

If it does, it will generate a fault (segmentation violation or general protection) and be killed by the kernel. Assembly language is just a programming language like C or Pascal or whatever. In order for programs to be executed no matter what language it is, the program running on the computer has to be in machine code for that computer.

The CPU has mechanisms which assist the OS in protecting resources. Let's use your example of an x86-chip. The "general-purpose" registers, such as...Best answer · 11

Your program can run whatever instructions it wants, as long as it doesn't access resources/memory outside of its ring. If it does, it will generat...5

The SHARE Operating System (SOS) is an operating system introduced in 1959 by the SHARE user group.It is an improvement on the General Motors GM-NAA I/O operating system

The first operating system for the IBM 704.The main objective was to improve the sharing of programs.

Assembly language programming operating system
Assembly language programming operating system

Experimental operating system from Microsoft Research

Singularity is an experimental operating system developed by Microsoft Research between July 9

  1. 2003
  2. And February 7

2015.It was designed as a high dependability OS in which the kernel

Device drivers

And application software were all written in managed code.Internal security uses type safety instead of hardware memory protection.


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