Microprocessor and assembly language programming question papers

What are the steps in developing an assembly language program?

List the major steps in developing an Assembly language program. Define Procedure and write its syntax. Draw the flowchart for Multiplication of two 16 bit numbers. What is stack? state its significance. What is the use of REP in string related instruction? Give the difference between Inter segment and Intra segment CALL. What is pipelining?

What is a microprocessor specific language?

A microprocessor specific language is called a low level language. Thus machine language and assembly language are microprocessor specific and are both considered as low level languages. The mnemonics are convened to machine Ianguage (binary pattern) by using a program called assembler.

What is the assembly language of a processor?

Since assembly language is the symbolic form of machine language
Each different type of processor has its own unique assembly language. Before we study the assembly language of a given processor
We need first to understand the details of that processor.

What do you learn in syllabus 8086?

SYLLABUS: Introduction to 8086 – Microprocessor architecture – Addressing modes - Instruction set and assembler directives – Assembly language programming – Modular Programming - Linking and Relocation - Stacks - Procedures – Macros – Interrupts and interrupt service routines – Byte and String Manipulation.

What does a microprocessor do?

1. What is microprocessor? A microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable, clock-driven, register-based electronic device that reads binary information from a storage device called memory, accepts binary data as input and processes data according to those instructions, and provides result as output.

What is assembler program?

A program called assembler is used to convert the mnemonics of instruction and data into their equivalent object code modules. The object code modules are further converted into executable code using linker and loader programs. This type of programming is calledassembly level programming. 11. What is a stack?


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