In assembly language programming the variable is allocated in mcq

Caller Rules

Before calling a subroutine, the caller shouldsave the contents of certain registers that are designatedcaller-saved. The caller-saved registers are EAX, ECX, EDX.Since the called subroutine is all.

Declaring Static Data Regions

Example declarations: Unlike in high level languages where arrays can have many dimensions andare accessed by indices, arrays in x86 assembly language are simply anumber of cells located contiguously in memory. An array can be declaredby just listing the values, as in the first example below. Two othercommon methods used for declaring arrays of dat.

How to understand assembly code?

To understand the assembly code
Let us consider the simple code below. The first line of the program is a comment. The .globl assembler directive makes the symbol main visible to the linker. This line makes the program linked up with the C start up library. If we try to remove this line
Then we get the following message

What is a data label in assembler?

The following
For example
Defines a variable named count:The assembler assigns a numeric address to each label. So my understanding of what data label does is:
Data label count is a variable that contain a numeric value
Where the numeric value is a location in memory

How are local variables allocated?

Typically, local variables are allocated by moving (decrementing) the stack pointer. Allocation and initialization of a local variable on the stack can be fused together if you use the push instruction, which advances the stack pointer and writes to the stack. Example of this:

How does a compiler allocate memory?

Usually local variables are placed on the stack and as such for your particular example, the compiler will probably reserve the space on the stack for the duration of the main function. Note that this is different from global variable memory, which may receive its own memory. The memory isn't allocated at the time of compilation, but at runtime.


An assembly language programming the variable is allocated in
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