Is assembly language worth learning

Is it necessary to learn assembly language early in education?

It certainly isn't necessary for them to learn assembly language early in their education
Especially first. However
Every person who wants a solid understanding of computing needs to know at least the principles of assembly language and its components:

Is it worth learning a lot of different languages?

It's worthwhile to learn lots of different languages
From lots of different paradigms. Learning Java

  1. C++
  2. C#
And Python doesn't count
Since they are all instances of the same paradigm. As assembly is at the root (well
Close to the root) of all languages
I for one say that it is worthwhile to learn assembly.

Is it worth learning assembly?

As assembly is at the root (well
Close to the root) of all languages
I for one say that it is worthwhile to learn assembly. Then again
It's worthwhile to learn a functional programming language
Logic programming
Scripting languages
Math-based languages. You only have so much time
So you do have to pick and choose.

What are the benefits of using assembly language?

The assembly language optimizes that small bit of the code that will benefit the most from performance optimization. Modern compilers give you most of the performance benefits of assembly language
Without the cognitive cost.

Should you learn assembly language?

Assembly experience is required to make meaningful contributions to those projects, too. So, if you are interested in pursuing that type of work, then learning to program in assembly language is not only a good idea, it’s mandatory. However, if you want to get a job in embedded software development, the benefit of learning assembly is more nuanced.

Why are assembly language texts so difficult to read?

Most assembly language texts jump around to differ- ent topics, lightly touching on each one and returning to them as further explanation is necessary. Unfor- tunately, such texts make poor references; trying to lookup information in such a book is difficult, at best, because the information is spread throughout the book.

I learned from Kip Irvine's book. If you ignore the (fair) criticisms of his (irrelevant) libraries, I can recommend it as a good introduction to t...Best answer · 119

I find it interesting that so many people jump to say that yes, you need/should learn assembly. To me the question is how much assembly do you need...58

Yes - the primary reason to learn assembly for C and C++ developers is it helps understanding what's going on under the hood of C and C++ code. It'...31

It's worthwhile to learn lots of different languages, from lots of different paradigms. Learning Java, C++, C#, and Python doesn't count, since the...26

Knowing ASM is also useful when debugging, as sometimes all you have is "ASM dump of the error".4

Depend of which programming level you wish to reach. If you need to work with debuggers then YES. If you need to know how compilers works then YES....3

Do you have any use for it in what you plan to do? is it going to aid you in any way in what you currently do or plan to do? those are the two ques...2

Assembly was never a mainstream language. You learn it for the same reasons that people learned it in the 80s/90s, and before that: it's close to t...11

I think one of the values of assembly languages today that is often overlooked is the didactic value. I would contend that an assembly language is...8

Of course there's value. It just depends on whether the value is enough to offset the cost. If you regularly program Kernel modules, device driver...6

The Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations (AFMLTA) is the national professional body representing teachers of all languages in Australia.


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Langage assembleur