Assembly language program for multiplication table in 8086

8086 Unsgined Multiplication Instruction

The MUL instruction deals with the multiplication of two unsigned numbers. There are types of multiplication depending on the number of bits:.
1) Byte with byte.
2) Word with Word.
3) Byte with word Byte with Byte multiplication: In this multiplication, one operand resides in an AL register and the other one is source. Source can be a register or memo.

Word with Word Multiplication

In this multiplication, one operand is loaded in AX register and the source should be a 16-bit register or a memory address. The two words of 16-bits on multiplication can produce a 32-bit word. So, in that case, the lower bytes of word are stored in AX register and higher bytes in DX register.

Can I perform multiplication without using a MUL instruction?

Performing multiplication without using the mul instruction is clear enough, but saying you can only use shl, shr, rol, and ror instructions is not sufficient to solve this task.


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