Different assembly programming language

Is assembly language a programming language?

Yes of course assembly language is a programming language, the difference between python and C is...the syntax. The difference between C and asm is the syntax they are different programming languages and the difference between one assembly language and another from another tool is the syntax.

What are the different types of assemblers used in computer programming?

There are two main types of assemblers used in computer programming: Single-pass assembler: A single-pass assembler, also known as a one-pass translation, performs a complete scan of the source program input to the assembler or its equivalent representation and translates each statement based on the declaration.

What is a command in assembly language?

Command: A command is an instruction in assembly code that tells the assembler what action to take. Assembly language commands frequently use abbreviations to keep the terminology short while also using self-descriptive abbreviations, such as “ADD” for addition and “MOV” for data transfer.


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