Assembly language program to find 1's complement 8086

8086 Arithemtic Right Shift Instruction

This instruction is arithmetic right shift which deals with signed operands. The operation of this instruction is similar to the SHR instruction. The only difference is when the bits are shifted to the right, the empty bits at MSB are filled with sign bit instead of zeros. This instruction can also be used for division of signed number by 2 if the .

8086 Or Logical Instruction

It performs the OR operation between two operands and stores the result back into the destination operand. The destination operand can be a register or a memory location whereas the source can be immediate, register, or a memory location. But Keep in mind, both operands should not be a memory location. The OR instruction clears the CF and OF flags .

and Instruction

The AND instruction perform logical AND operation between two operands. The source can be an immediate, register, or a memory location and the destination can be either a register or a memory location. Both source and destination operands cannot be a memory location. It ANDs each bit of source operand with the destination operand and stores the res.

CMP Compare Instruction 8086

The compare instruction (CMP) compares the data of the two operands and depending upon the result sets the flag.The destination operand remains unchanged. It compares the two operands by computing the difference of two operands and sets CF, ZF and SF flags. The source and destination can be a register, immediate number, or a memory address. But, bo.

Neg 2’s Complement Instruction

The NEG instruction compute the 2’s complement of the destination operand. The destination can be a register or memory address. It can change AF, PF, ZF and OF flags of flag register.

Shift Left Instruction

There are two shift left instructions. One is used for signed operands and the other one is used for unsigned operands. Both instructions are explained in this section. The SHL is the logical left shift for unsigned operands. It shifts the operand bits to the left. The destination can be a register or a memory location. The number of shifts are sto.

Shift Right Instruction

There are two shift right instructions namely logical shift right (SHR) and Arithmetic shift right (SAR). Both instructions are explained below. SHR is a logical shift right instruction used for unsigned operands. It shifts the bits of operand one by one to the right. In every shift, the least significant bit goes to the carry flag and insert zeros.

XOR Instruction 8086

This instruction performs the XOR operation between bits of source and destination operands. The XOR operation gives 1 when both inputs are different. When both inputs are same then the output will be zero. The source operand can be either a register or memory address whereas destination operand can be immediate, register or memory location.

How do I use a CPL accumulator in an 8085 microprocessor?

Assign a port to input the binary number. Load the binary number into the accumulator of the 8085 microprocessor. Find the 1’s complement of the binary number using the CPL instruction of the 8085 microprocessor. Store the result in a second port.

How to find 1's complement of a number?

One’s complement of a number means to invert each bit of a number. NEG instruction in 8086 allows us, to find 2’s complement of a number, subtracting 1 from 2’s complement gives the 1’s complement of the number. eg. : AX = 1234 H. · i.e. 1’s complement of 1234 H = EDCB. Step I : Initialize the data memory. Step II : Load the number in AX.

What is 1's complement of a 16-bit number - 8086 program?

Document Description: 1's Complement of a 16-bit Number - 8086 Program for Computer Science Engineering (CSE) 2023 is part of Computer Science Engineering (CSE) preparation. The notes and questions for 1's Complement of a 16-bit Number - 8086 Program have been prepared according to the Computer Science Engineering (CSE) exam syllabus.


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