Astronomy aesthetic

What is a classical aesthetic?

The classical aesthetic
While insisting on the harmonious union of sensuousness
And reason in the beautiful
Equally insisted on the objective (ontological) character of the beautiful
As the Form in which man and nature come into their own:

What is aesthetic experience?

The visual art critic Clive Bell (1914 ) took aesthetic experience to be a response to what he called “Significant Form” in a piece of visual art
I.e. “arrangements and combinations that move us in a particular way” to “austere and thrilling raptures” distinct from those feelings we encounter otherwise (p.264

What is aesthetics & astronomy?

This new generation of ground- and space-based telescopes has created an explosion of images for experts and non-experts to explore. The Aesthetics & Astronomy project studies the perception of multi-wavelength astronomical imagery and the effects of the scientific and artistic choices in processing astronomical data.

What is the beauty of astronomy?

“This is the beauty of astronomy. Observing the sky
We expand our ability to investigate how the universe works. On the other hand
We cannot really set up experiments to get quick answers; we have to wait for the universe to show us its secrets
" Bachetti added.


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