Astronomy drawing


I made these drawings during observing sessions at my telescope's eyepiece. Most of these sessions were held at Negev desert in Israel, which features moderately dark skies (bortle 2-3) with dry air and ~6.6-7.1 naked eye limiting magnitude (NELM). The sketches were rendered on a white paper (mostly) under the illumination of a red flashlight, usin.

How do you learn astronomy?

LoginShop at Sky Astronomy Sketches One of the best ways to get to know an object is to spend time at the eyepiece sketching it. Whether it's a quick sketch or a multi-hour (or multi-night!) endeavor
The process of putting pencil to paper helps train the observing eye.

Sketching Versus Photography

To a human eye - the universe appears faint and gray (excluding close stars and some nebulae). This is different from what long exposure and highly processed photography teaches us. While Hubble photos may look pretty and give us a lot of scientific information - this is not how human eye percepts the space. For example: If one would approach in a .

What are astronomical drawings?

Gallery of drawings of astronomical objects
As they appear in my telescope's eyepiece. The purpose of these works
Apart from artistic expression
Is to present deep sky and other celestial objects the way we "really" see them in a telescope - by our own eyes and not through artificially enhanced astrophotography images.

What is astronomy sketching?

Astronomy sketching is a creative way to record what you can see through your telescope. In this guide we show you how to draw the Beehive Cluster. Astronomy sketching is a creative way to record what you can see through your telescope. In this guide we show you how to draw the Beehive Cluster.

Why do astronomers use art?

Drawing on principles from art to create scientific visualizations
Astronomers are able to see their work with a new perspective and
Perhaps more crucially
Share their discoveries with other scientists more clearly than with traditional techniques.

Astronomy drawing
Astronomy drawing

Inuit beliefs about the celestial sphere or Qilak

Inuit astronomy is centered around the Qilak

the Inuit name for the celestial sphere and the home for souls of departed people.Inuit beliefs about astronomy are the shaped by the harsh climate in the Arctic and the resulting difficulties of surviving and hunting in the region.The stars were an important tool to track time

  1. Seasons
  2. And location

Particularly during winter.

Sunspot drawing or sunspot sketching is the act of drawing sunspots

Sunspot drawing or sunspot sketching is the act of drawing sunspots

Sunspot drawing or sunspot sketching is the act of drawing sunspots.Sunspots are darker spots on the Sun's photosphere.Their prediction is very important for radio communication because they are strongly associated with solar activity

Which can seriously damage radio equipment.


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