Astronomy for amateurs

Can amateur astronomers make their own telescopes?

Commercial telescopes are available
New and used
But it is also common for amateur astronomers to build (or commission the building of) their own custom telescopes. Some people even focus on amateur telescope making as their primary interest within the hobby of amateur astronomy.

Dive Into Maps and Guidebooks

Once you have the binoculars, what do you do with them? You can have fun looking at the Moon and sweeping the star fields of the Milky Way, but that will wear thin pretty fast. However, if you've learned the constellations and obtained detailed sky maps, binoculars can keep you happily busy for years. They'll reveal dozens of star clusters, galaxie.

How do amateur astronomers view the sky?

Amateur astronomers typically view the sky at night
When most celestial objects and astronomical events are visible
But others observe during the daytime by viewing the Sun and solar eclipses.

Keep An Astronomy Diary

This one is optional. But we keeping an observing logbook of what you do and see can help you get more out of the hobby. Keeping a record concentrates the mind — even if it's just a jotting like "November 7th — out with the 10x50 binocs — clear windy night — NGC 457 in Cassiopeia a faint glow next to two brighter stars." Get a spiral-bound notebook.

Learn The Night Sky with The Unaided Eye

Astronomy is an outdoor nature hobby, so the best way to begin is to go out into the night and learn the starry names and patterns overhead.
1) Use the monthly naked-eye star charts in Sky & Telescope magazine.
2) Download our free Getting Started in Astronomyflyer (with bimonthly maps).
3) Buy yourself an inexpensive planisphere, which shows the con.

Lose Your Ego

Astronomy teaches patience and humility — and you had better be prepared to learn them. Not everything will work the first time. You'll hunt for some wonder in the depths and miss it, and hunt again, and miss it again. This is normal. But eventually, with increasing knowledge, you willsucceed. There's nothing you can do about the clouds that move i.

Ransack Your Public Library

The joys of astronomy come from intellectual discovery and knowledge of the cryptic night sky. But youhave to make these discoveries and gain this knowledge, often by yourself. For beginners in astronomy, one of your most important tools will be your public library. Comb the astronomy shelf for books with the basic knowledge you need to know, and f.

Seek Out Other Amateurs

Self-education is fine as far as it goes, but there's nothing like sharing an interest with others. Hundreds of astronomy clubs exist worldwide; see our clubs listing. Call or e-mail a club near you, or check out its web site, and see when it holds meetings or nighttime observing sessions — "star parties." These events, some of which draw hundreds .

Thinking Telescope? Start Stargazing with Binoculars Instead

Binocularsmake an ideal "first telescope" for several reasons:.
1) Binoculars show you a wide field of view, making it easy to find your way around. A higher-power telescope magnifies only a tiny, hard-to-locate bit of sky.
2) They also show a view that's right-side up and straight in front of you, making it easy to see where you're pointing. An ast.

What is amateur astronomy?

One branch of amateur astronomy
Amateur astrophotography
Involves the taking of photos of the night sky. Astrophotography has become more popular with the introduction of far easier to use equipment including
Digital cameras
DSLR cameras and relatively sophisticated purpose built high quality CCD cameras .

What is professional astronomy?

Many astronomers have studied the sky throughout history in an amateur framework; however
Since the beginning of the twentieth century
Professional astronomy has become an activity clearly distinguished from amateur astronomy and associated activities.

When It's Time For A Telescope, Plunge in Deep

Eventually you'll know you're ready. You'll have spent hours poring over the ads and reviews. You'll know the different kinds of telescopes, what you can expect of them, and what you'll do with the one you pick. This is no time to skimp on quality; shun the flimsy, semi-toy "department store" scopes that may have caught your eye. The telescope you .

Is astronomy a good hobby?

Astronomy has plenty of space for amateurs. (Image credit: Jon Hicks via Getty Images) Want to become a published astronomer? All it takes is a spare telescope, or at least a decent internet connection, and plenty of patience. At one time, all fields of science were performed by amateurs — usually wealthy European men who wanted a new hobby.

Who can become an amateur astronomer?

Almost anyone can become an amateur astronomer. What will you find? Astronomy has plenty of space for amateurs. (Image credit: Jon Hicks via Getty Images) Want to become a published astronomer? All it takes is a spare telescope, or at least a decent internet connection, and plenty of patience.

Data miningOne reason amateurs can make a dent in modern astronomy is that it's still very much a visual science. Many …
Astronomy for amateurs
Astronomy for amateurs

Person that participates in activities on a nonprofessional basis

An amateur is generally considered a person who pursues an avocation independent from their source of income.Amateurs and their pursuits are also described as popular

Type of satellite that transmits over amateur radio frequencies

An amateur radio satellite is an artificial satellite built and used by amateur radio operators.It forms part of the Amateur-satellite service.These satellites use amateur radio frequency allocations to facilitate communication between amateur radio stations.

Amateur telescope making is the activity of building telescopes as a

Amateur telescope making is the activity of building telescopes as a

Amateur telescope making is the activity of building telescopes as a hobby

As opposed to being a paid professional.Amateur telescope makers build their instruments for personal enjoyment of a technical challenge

As a way to obtain an inexpensive or personally customized telescope

Or as a research tool in the field of astronomy.Amateur telescope makers are usually a sub-group in the field of amateur astronomy.

The Confederation of Indian Amateur Astronomers (CIAA) is a national level organisation of amateur astronomers in India that convenes a national meeting of members every year

And coordinates the activities of amateur astronomers throughout the country.It was established in 1993 and registered in 1994

Following an Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics meeting in 1991.

John Lowry Dobson was an American amateur astronomer and is best known

John Lowry Dobson was an American amateur astronomer and is best known

American amateur astronomer

John Lowry Dobson was an American amateur astronomer and is best known for the Dobsonian telescope

A portable

Low-cost Newtonian reflector telescope.He was also known for his efforts to promote awareness of astronomy through public lectures including :

His performances of sidewalk astronomy.Dobson was also the co-founder of the amateur astronomical group

The San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers.


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