Astronomy questions to ask

  • How long does astronomy take?

    Most of the time, astronomers derive information from an analysis of the light or the motions of celestial bodies, a process that, to the uninitiated, may seem more like sorcery than science.
    In fact, astronomy is a challenging science, but not because the universe is inaccessible in the conventional sense..

  • What are 5 interesting facts about astronomy?

    20 facts about space, our Solar System and the Universe

    The Moon is lemon-shaped.Milky Way smells of rum, raspberries and booze.On Mercury a day is twice as long as a year.You could survive for a couple of minutes in a leaky spacesuit.1 tsp of neutron star weighs the same as the human population..

  • What are good questions to ask about stars?

    Astronomers study the origin and structure of the universe, including its planets, stars, galaxies and black holes..

  • What are good questions to ask about stars?

    By studying the cosmos beyond our own planet, we can understand where we came from, where we are going, and how physics works under conditions which are impossible to recreate on Earth.
    In astronomy, the Universe is our laboratory.

  • What are good questions to ask about stars?

    Does sound travel faster in space? Does the influence of gravity extend out forever? Galaxies look stationary, so why do scientists say that they rotate? Have aliens ever visited earth?.

  • What are good questions to ask an astronomer?

    If you're interested in famous astronomers, you've likely heard of Copernicus, Galileo, Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, and Albert Einstein.
    These men were brilliant and giants in their field..

  • What is a big question on space?


    How many planets are in our solar system?Which Galaxy is our solar system in?Which planet is closest to the sun?What do planets in the solar system orbit around?Which is the biggest planet in the solar system?Which planet is the furthest from the sun?How many planets in the solar system are made of gas?.

  • What is a good question to ask about stars?

    How long does it take to become an astronomer? Expect to spend around 9 years on your astronomer education, including four years obtaining an undergraduate degree, two years in a Master's degree program, and three years working on a Ph..

  • What is a good question to ask about the universe?

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    How did our Universe begin and how will it end? What is dark matter? How did the known structures in the Universe evolve? How do massive black holes grow? What is dark energy and why is the Universe expanding ever faster?.

  • What is the biggest question in astronomy?

    The first documented records of systematic astronomical observations date back to the Assyro-Babylonians around 1000 BCE.
    From this cradle of civilisation in Mesopotamia – in the southern part of present-day Iraq – astronomers had built up knowledge of the celestial bodies and recorded their periodic motions..

  • What is the biggest question in astronomy?

    Where in the galaxy are the most stars born? How hot must a star get before it becomes a star? Why does it need to get so hot? How long does it take to produce a star?.

Ask an Astronomer.
Do you have a question about a topic in astronomy or about an object in space? You may find the answer below.,Do you have a question about a topic in astronomy or about an object in space? How far is Venus from the Sun? Does Venus really spin backwards? How old is  ,Do you have a question about a topic in astronomy or about an object in space? How many stars are there? How many stars can you see at night? What are stars  ,How do the planets stay in orbit around the sun? How did the planets get their names? How many planets in the Solar System have rings? Why are all of the planets round?,How far away are the stars?Will we ever travel to the stars?Why are some stars bright and others dim?Why do stars only come out at night?What are  ,Why don't we feel Earth move? Why does Earth spin? What is Earth made of? How large is Earth? How old is Earth? Galaxies.

How Long Does A Star Live?

Compared to humans, stars live incredibly long lives. The shortest-lived ones can shine for tens of millions of years while the old-timers can last for many billions of years. The study of stars' lives and how they are born, live, and dieis called "stellar evolution", and involves looking at many types of stars to understand their life cycles.

Should I take up astronomy and why?

Studying Astronomy and Astrophysics helps us to understand Physics better. The energy scales and extreme environments in the universe can't properly be simulated in our earth based labs. So
By studying about the celestial objects we can gain a better understanding of the Physics at these extreme scales.

What is the reason you study astronomy?

Astronomy is a close-knit field where you will get the opportunity to work with many people. Professional astronomers are motivated by curiosity and a deep desire to understand some of the grandest and most beautiful phenomena in the universe
As well as a desire to share these wonders with others.

Why Do Some Stars Appear to Twinkle?

The children's nursery rhyme about "Twinkle, twinkle little star" actually poses a very sophisticated science question about what stars are. The short answer is: the stars themselves don't twinkle. Our planet's atmosphere causes starlight to waver as it passes through and that appears to us as twinkling.

Why should people care about astronomy?

Astronomy is an excellent way of exposing young minds to the thrill of scientific discovery. Ideally
By writing articles
Giving shows
And holding special eventsastronomy educators are creating a world where science is not difficult or boring but is instead a key to our future."

What is ask an astronomer?

Ask An Astronomer is your go to source for Space related information. Curious about Astronomy? Have a burning question about the Universe that you’d like answered? Ask us! We are a team of volunteers (graduate students, postdocs, researchers, and faculty) affiliated with the University of Texas and McDonald Observatory.


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