Astronomy what's up tonight

  • Are we seeing space in real time?

    The time it takes for light from objects in space to reach Earth means that when we look at planets, stars and galaxies, we're actually peering back in time..

  • How many stars appear at night?

    The number of stars that you can see on a clear (moonless) night in a dark area (far away from city lights) is about 2000.
    Basically, the darker the sky, the more stars you can see.
    Moonlight brightens the night sky and reduces the number of stars you can see..

  • What star is that

    At anyone time you see half of the sky.
    Why do you think it is less? You need to remember that the "celestial sphere" is effectively infinitely far away.
    Actually, since the Earth is round, if you are a non-zero distance off of the ground, you actually see slightly more than half the sky, as the attached diagram shows..

  • What star is that

    See more photos of Mars at its closest in 2020.
    Bottom line: Mars is no longer visible in our night sky.
    It is too close to the sun to see for the rest of 2023.
    It'll return in January 2024 as a light in our morning sky..

  • What star is that

    The mysterious rows of lights in the night sky are SpaceX's Starlink satellites, part of a global initiative to provide high-speed internet access.
    MOLINE, Illinois — "Any idea what this is? It was a row of lights moving in the sky tonight." This and similar messages have been pouring into newsrooms for months..

  • What star is that

    What Planets Are Visible By the Naked Eye? The first step to identifying planets is to know which planets are possible to see without a telescope.
    Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are the five brightest planets in our night sky and, therefore, observable by most people..

  • What was the line of stars in the sky tonight?

    The mysterious rows of lights in the night sky are SpaceX's Starlink satellites, part of a global initiative to provide high-speed internet access.
    MOLINE, Illinois — "Any idea what this is? It was a row of lights moving in the sky tonight." This and similar messages have been pouring into newsrooms for months..

  • Why are the stars moving tonight?

    These apparent star tracks are in fact not due to the stars moving, but to the rotational motion of the Earth.
    As the Earth rotates with an axis that is pointed in the direction of the North Star, stars appear to move from east to west in the sky..

  • On Tuesday night into early Wednesday morning, March 28 to 29, 2023, the half Moon will have shifted to the other side of Mars.
    Mars will appear 6 degrees below the Moon as evening twilight ends (at 8:26 PM EDT).
    They will shift apart as the night progresses.
    The Moon will reach its first quarter at 10:32 PM.
  • The line of lights are Starlink satellites, owned by Elon Musk's SpaceX.
    Purpose of satellites is to provide widespread internet access. 4,000+ Starlink satellites are in orbit as of July 2023 with plans to deploy more.
    May interfere with stargazing.
  • The mysterious rows of lights in the night sky are SpaceX's Starlink satellites, part of a global initiative to provide high-speed internet access.
    MOLINE, Illinois — "Any idea what this is? It was a row of lights moving in the sky tonight." This and similar messages have been pouring into newsrooms for months.
  • The stars are very, very far away.
    Even the nearest star is around 40 trillion kilometres (40 000 000 000 000 km) from Earth.
  • What Planets Are Visible By the Naked Eye? The first step to identifying planets is to know which planets are possible to see without a telescope.
    Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are the five brightest planets in our night sky and, therefore, observable by most people.
8 days agoWhat's up in Tonight's Sky.
October 2023.
HERE'S WHAT TO LOOK FOR THIS Astronomical League.
Download the October 2023 AstroLeague Starmap  ,Astronomy EssentialsHunter's Moon 2023 and Jupiter tonightSome will see a partial lunar eclipse tonightVisible planets and night sky for October and  Astronomy EssentialsMeteor shower guide: Up next Moon occults Mars tonight,Astronomy EssentialsHunter's Moon 2023 and Jupiter tonightSome will see a partial lunar eclipse tonightVisible planets and night sky for October and  See 5 planets after sunset, in Astronomy EssentialsMoon occults Mars tonight,Astronomy EssentialsHunter's Moon 2023 and Jupiter tonightSome will see a partial lunar eclipse tonightVisible planets and night sky for October and  Visible planets and night sky See 5 planets after sunset, in Brightest Stars,Meteor shower guide: Up next the Taurids and Leonids.
October 21, 2023.
What Astronomy Essentials.
View AllHunter's Moon 2023 and Jupiter tonightDeborah  Astronomy EssentialsMeteor shower guide: Up next Moon occults Mars tonight,Sky map showing night sky tonight in Casablanca, Morocco.
What planets are visible? Where is Mars, Saturn or Venus? What is the bright star in the sky?,Visible planets and night sky for October and NovemberMeteor shower guide: Up next the Taurids and LeonidsWhat makes the Harvest Moon special?Deneb Kaitos  See 5 planets after sunset, in Astronomy EssentialsMoon occults Mars tonight

Monday, October 2 - Moon Between Uranus and The Pleiades

In the eastern sky on Monday evening, October 2, use your binoculars to view the scattered stars of the Pleiades cluster (also known as Messier 45) twinkling just a few finger widths to the left (or 2 degrees to the celestial north) of the bright, waning gibbous moon. The cluster, which covers a patch of sky several times larger than the moon, will.

Saturday, October 7 - The Dolphin Swims The Southern Sky

During the evening in early October, the small constellation of Delphinus is positioned high in the southern sky. Look for its five 4th magnitude stars shining just to the lower left (or celestial southeast) of the line connecting the very bright stars Deneb and Altair. According to Greek legend, Poseidon, god of the seas, was assisted in a matter .

Sunday, October 1 - Bright Moon Beside Jupiter

On Sunday night, October 1, the bright, waning gibbous moon will shine close enough to the very bright planet Jupiter for them to share the view in binoculars (orange circle). The duo will rise in the east at around 8 p.m. local time and then cross the sky all night long. By sunrise on Monday morning, the moonand Jupiter will be positioned high in .

Tuesday, October 10 - Crescent Moon Near Venus and Regulus

For several mornings surrounding October 9, the very bright planet Venuswill travel past Leo's brightest star Regulus in the eastern sky (dotted red path). A pretty sight will greet early risers on Tuesday morning, October 10 when the crescent of the old moon will shine close to the duo for a few hours before sunrise. Regulus will sparkle between t.

Tuesday, October 3 - View Rupes Altai

On Tuesday night, October 3, the curved terminator on the moon will fall just to the right (or lunar east) of a large, curved escarpment on the moon known as Rupes Altai, making that feature especially easy to see with sharp eyes and through binoculars and telescopes. The cliff, which climbs up to 0.6 miles or 1 km above the lunar surface, is actua.

What do we see in the night sky?

Comet Nishimura teases us shyly low on the dawn horizon, then low on the dusk horizon. The Milky Way arches high across the evening sky, and Saturn invites your telescope. Vega culminates at the zenith around the end of twilight. Arcturus and the Dipper sink through the evening.

What's up in October 2023?

What's Up: October 2023 Skywatching Tips from NASA A "ring of fire" solar eclipse across the Americas on Oct. 14 is this month's top highlight! Plus the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus strike some lovely poses for stargazers and planet watchers to enjoy.


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