Astronomy equipment near me

  • Astronomer equipment

    Astronomy is an outdoor nature hobby, so the best way to begin is to go out into the night and learn the starry names and patterns overhead.
    Buy yourself an inexpensive planisphere, which shows the constellations visible at any time throughout the year..

  • Buy Telescope online

    A telescope is a tool that astronomers use to see faraway objects.
    Most telescopes, and all large telescopes, work by using curved mirrors to gather and focus light from the night sky.
    The first telescopes focused light by using pieces of curved, clear glass, called lenses..

  • How can I be a hobby in astronomy?

    Astronomy is an outdoor nature hobby, so the best way to begin is to go out into the night and learn the starry names and patterns overhead.
    Buy yourself an inexpensive planisphere, which shows the constellations visible at any time throughout the year..

  • How do I get into astronomy without a telescope?

    You don't need a telescope to get acquainted with the night sky.
    The most useful piece of equipment for stargazing these days is a good smartphone application.
    These apps can tell you what is visible from your location on a given night, and where to look..

  • How much does an astronomical observatory cost?

    Professional observatory telescopes can cost several million dollars, while smaller, amateur telescopes can cost several thousand dollars.
    Additionally, there are different types of observatory telescopes, some are portable and others are permanent..

  • How much does it cost to have a telescope?

    A good telescope is essential for getting started in astronomy, but with so many brands and models available to choose from, it's hard to pinpoint how much a good telescope costs.
    A good telescope costs between $300 and $8,000, depending on your needs and level of expertise..

  • How old are observatories?

    The true predecessors of the modern observatory were those established in the Islamic world.
    Observatories were built at Damascus and Baghdad as early as the 9th–10th century ce.
    A splendid one was built at Marāgheh (now in Iran) about 1260 ce, and substantial modifications in Ptolemaic astronomy were introduced there..

  • How old do you have to be to use a telescope?

    Most Children from around 8/9 years old and above will be able to use (with some help) any of the telescopes listed in our beginners section.
    The key is setting the scope up at a level where they can see through the eyepiece without the need to pull the scope towards them..

  • Telescope for sale

    Contact a Local Astronomy ClubContact a Local Astronomical Society or Club

    1NASA's Night Sky Network.
    2) International Astronomical Union (IAU)3Sky and Telescope..

  • Telescope for sale

    Astronomy is an outdoor nature hobby, so the best way to begin is to go out into the night and learn the starry names and patterns overhead.
    Buy yourself an inexpensive planisphere, which shows the constellations visible at any time throughout the year..

  • Telescope stores

    Astronomy is an outdoor nature hobby, so the best way to begin is to go out into the night and learn the starry names and patterns overhead.
    Buy yourself an inexpensive planisphere, which shows the constellations visible at any time throughout the year..

  • Telescopes for sale

    6 Best Astronomy Tools for Observing the Night Sky

    Binoculars.Telescopes.Telescope Mounts.Telescope Eyepieces.Filters.Accessories..

  • What equipment do astronomers use?

    Space telescope – Instrument in space to study astronomical objects.
    Spectrometers – Used to measure spectral components of light.
    Sundial – Device that tells the time of day by the apparent position of the Sun in the sky.
    Telescope – Instrument that makes distant objects appear magnified..

  • What is the best tool for astronomers to use?

    6 Best Astronomy Tools for Observing the Night Sky

    Binoculars.Telescopes.Telescope Mounts.Telescope Eyepieces.Filters.Accessories..

  • What is the difference between a telescope and an observatory?

    Many of the world's largest telescopes are housed at observatories: The entire complex of buildings, telescopes, equipment, and staff involving scientific astronomical observations.
    Small observatories might consist of just one telescope situated in a dome, one instrument and computer, and one observer..

  • What is the most important tool for astronomy?

    The telescope is undoubtedly the most important investigative tool in astronomy.
    It provides a means of collecting and analyzing radiation from celestial objects, even those in the far reaches of the universe..

  • What is the range of a telescope?

    So the overall range of practical magnifications is roughly 4\xd7 to 50\xd7 per inch of aperture, with powers between 8\xd7 and 40\xd7 per inch of aperture being especially useful..

  • What size telescope do I need to see planets?

    For Planetary Observations: A refractor telescope with a moderate aperture (70mm-100mm) and a long focal length (1000mm-1500mm) would be an excellent choice.
    Telescopes like the Celestron Omni XLT 102 or the Sky-Watcher ProED 100 provide sharp views of planets with good contrast..

  • Where is the best place to start for astronomy?

    For anyone completely new to astronomy, the first step is to become familiar with the night sky, how it changes through the night and season by season, and how it varies according to the observer's latitude.
    A planisphere (or "star wheel"), monthly sky guide, or computer software will help with this..

  • Who uses observatory?

    Astronomers use observatories to collect light from natural objects in space.
    This includes the radio, infrared and visible light (optical) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
    Most telescopes have a domed roof with an opening for the telescope to see out..

  • Contact a Local Astronomy ClubContact a Local Astronomical Society or Club

    1NASA's Night Sky Network.
    2) International Astronomical Union (IAU)3Sky and Telescope.
  • Expect a quality telescope for visual observing to start at a cost of about $300, and a telescope capable of deep-sky astrophotography to start at around $800 in 2022.
  • If you want to observe galaxies — and I mean really get something out of the time you put in at the eyepiece — you have to use a telescope with an aperture of 8 inches or more.
    Bode's Galaxy (M81) glows brightly enough to show up through binoculars, but the larger the telescope you can point at it, the better.
  • Introduction At the end of 2021, the highly anticipated James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) became the latest telescope to make its way to space.
    Including JWST, there are 29 active spacecraft with telescopes.
  • Space telescope – Instrument in space to study astronomical objects.
    Spectrometers – Used to measure spectral components of light.
    Sundial – Device that tells the time of day by the apparent position of the Sun in the sky.
    Telescope – Instrument that makes distant objects appear magnified.
Below, you'll find a list of quality astronomy classified sites to buy and sell telescopes, cameras, and accessories for visual observing and astrophotography.

What kind of equipment do I need for astronomy?

Telescopes Cameras Telescope mounts Eyepieces Binoculars for astronomy Finderscopes

Where can I buy a good astronomy EP?

Nice EPs for sale! is the leading portal for astronomy news
Classified ads and telescope reviews. Place your astronomy ads
Read the latest news articles and check out the current reviews of newest telescopes and equipment.

Where can I buy a telescope?

Skies Unlimited is a leading retailer of quality telescopes and telescope accessories to beginner
Intermediate and advanced astronomers. Shop online!

Where can I buy used astronomy equipment?

A good compromise, which will allow you to get the great pricing of used equipment with the comfort that it will perform as is should, is to buy used equipment from an astronomy retailer. Many retailers have trade in programs that allow people to trade in equipment for something new.

Where can I Go astronomy?

Facilities for astronomy vary, with some Dark Sky Parks providing hard standings for telescopes in some locations. But mostly you’ll be on your own, save for some ranger programs to introduce the night sky to the public, or perhaps monthly or annual star parties.


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