Next big astronomy event

  • What cosmic phenomenon will occur in 2023?

    In 2023 the Perseid meteor shower is active between 17 July and 24 August, with the shower peaking 12-13 August..

  • What events will happen in space?

    Earth will fly between the sun and Jupiter – bringing Jupiter to its yearly opposition – on November 2-3, 2023.
    That's one day after Jupiter will reach perigee, its closest point to Earth.
    Jupiter in 2023: Maybe you've noticed Jupiter.
    It's been the very bright object ascending in the east earlier each evening..

  • What is the Earth phenomenon in 2023?

    At 8:06 P.M.
    UTC (4:06 P.M.
    EDT) on July 6, 2023, Earth will reach the point in its orbit when it's farthest from the sun.
    In a sense, it's like our planet will be at the top of a gravitational hill and will then begin to fall toward the sun until January 2, 2024, when it will reach its closest point..

  • What is the lunar event in 2023?

    Lunar Eclipse 2023: The partial lunar eclipse which was last the last lunar eclipse of 2023 began on the night of October 28 at 11:31 pm.
    The lunar eclipse was visible in Delhi on October 29 from 1:06 am to 2:22 am..

  • What is the rare phenomenon in 2023?

    The rare "blue supermoon" on August 30, 2023, brings together a supermoon, blue moon, and Hindu festival Rakhi Purnima.
    A celestial trifecta.

  • What will happen in 2023 in the sky?

    This year promises another amazing set of celestial events, including dark skies for the two most anticipated meteor showers: the Perseids and the Geminids.
    To watch these and other phenomena, all you'll need is a dark location, weather-appropriate gear and occasionally a set of binoculars.Jan 30, 2023.

  • When to see Saturn 2023?

    On Sunday, August 27, 2023 the sixth planet from the sun will reach its “opposition.” It's an important date for planet-watchers because not only will Saturn be well-positioned and shining brightly for the next few weeks, but it will be visible all night long..

  • At 8:06 P.M.
    UTC (4:06 P.M.
    EDT) on July 6, 2023, Earth will reach the point in its orbit when it's farthest from the sun.
    In a sense, it's like our planet will be at the top of a gravitational hill and will then begin to fall toward the sun until January 2, 2024, when it will reach its closest point.
  • The rare "blue supermoon" on August 30, 2023, brings together a supermoon, blue moon, and Hindu festival Rakhi Purnima.
    A celestial trifecta
Oct 14: Annular Solar Eclipse A 'ring of fire' will be visible in the sky across parts of the USA, Mexico, and Central and South America—if the weather  Venus: Our Twin PlanetQuadrantids Meteor ShowerMercury: The Iron Planet

What is the astronomy calendar of celestial events?

This astronomy calendar of celestial events contains dates for notable celestial events including :
Moon phases
Meteor showers

  1. Eclipses
  2. Oppositions
  3. Conjunctions
And other interesting events. Most of the astronomical events on this calendar can be seen with unaided eye
Although some may require a good pair of binoculars for best viewing.

What astronomy events will happen in 2023?

The year 2023 has prepared lots of significant astronomical events for us

including solar eclipses

a bright comet passing the Earth

and many more.
With this complete astronomy calendar

you’ll never miss one! How to see what's in the sky tonight? How to see what's in the sky tonight?

What is the astronomy calendar of celestial events?

This astronomy calendar of celestial events contains dates for notable celestial events including moon phases

And other interesting events.
Most of the astronomical events on this calendar can be seen with unaided eye

Although some may require a good pair of binoculars for best viewing.

What is the New York Times astronomy calendar?

How to use this calendar.
The New York Times has offered this calendar to readers since 2017.
It is a collection of newsworthy events in spaceflight and astronomy curated by the paper’s journalists.
The entries below these instruction will be updated regularly to adjust dates and revise information in the calendar’s entries.


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