Astronomy gallery

  • 1850- First star photograph (α Lyrae, Vega) obtained by John Adams Whipple and William Cranch Bond using the 38 cm Harvard refractor (daguerreotype, 100 s exposure).
  • Are astrophotographers astronomers?

    These amateur astronomers devote hours exploring the cosmos through a variety of telescopes that they acquire, maintain, and improve on their own.
    Some of these amateur astronomers specialize in capturing what is seen through their telescopes in images and are astrophotographers..

  • How can we see 13 billion light years away?

    We know that light takes time to travel, so that if we observe an object that is 13 billion light years away, then that light has been traveling towards us for 13 billion years.
    Essentially, we are seeing that object as it appeared 13 billion years ago..

  • How far is the observable universe?

    The observable universe does.
    It's 46 billion light years away in any direction, and the whole universe has a temporal edge, or what we call a beginning, but almost certainly not a spatial one..

  • How long does Hubble take a photo?

    Hubble looks at objects which are so distant and faint, that even with highly sensitive CCD detectors (which are many times more sensitive than the human eye) it must expose for long periods of time.
    These exposures can be for 30 minutes or more..

  • What is the ball of rock by Rich Addis?

    Ball of Rock, by Rich Addis
    In this final composite, Addis combined shots of a 78 percent illuminated waxing gibbous moon with other shots of a full moon to give “the effect of a 3D sphere,” the photographer tells RMG..

  • What is the oldest astrophoto?

    The oldest known astrophoto dates back to the mid-19th century, a time when photography was still in its infancy.
    Taken by the French astronomer and physicist, Louis Daguerre, in 1839, this historic image captured the Moon..

  • Where is sky and telescope located?

    Find the best camera settings for astrophotography.

    1Choose a low aperture between f/2.8 and f/4.
    2) Use manual focus.
    3) Set white balance to “auto” or “daylight”4Set exposure length between 15 and 30 seconds.
    5) Select a high ISO between 400 and 1600 (or more).

  • Who is the best astrophotographer?

    Gerald Rhemann has been named the overall winner of Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2022 for his photograph Disconnection Event..

  • Who was the first astrophotographer?

    In March of the following year, the Anglo-American John William DRAPER (1811-1882) made one of the first photographs of the Moon, and probably the first that showed so much detail.
    Draper is also recognized as the first astrophotographer..

  • Who won the astronomy photographer of the year 2023?

    Marcel Drechsler, Xavier Strottner and Yann Sainty have together been named the overall winners of Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2023 for their mysterious deep space photograph, Andromeda, Unexpected..

  • Why are astronomical observatories important?

    One of these important facilities is observatory.
    The main task of an observatory is to observe the world and to gather and analyze the data coming from the sky.
    By these surveys, science is developing and scientists learn and tell us more about what is going on in the world..

  • Why is space photography important?

    Space photography is the way in which astronomers learn more about space.
    Deep space photographers take shots of celestial bodies in the sky, and other stars important to be discovered.
    These bodies are not visible to the human eye, so we need to observe and study them through other means..

  • As an astrophotographer, you'll essentially be taking pictures of anything that's not on earth.
    There's essentially two main types of astrophotography, images of objects from deep space that are taken through telescopes, and photographs of large-scale portions of the night sky.
  • Astronomy Photographer of the Year is located in a dedicated Photography Gallery inside the National Maritime Museum.
  • Astrophotography specialists tend to work for large organisations such as universities or governmental agencies.
    However, it's possible to make a living as a freelance astrophotographer.
    There are plenty of trade publications which require astrophotography.
  • In March of the following year, the Anglo-American John William DRAPER (1811-1882) made one of the first photographs of the Moon, and probably the first that showed so much detail.
    Draper is also recognized as the first astrophotographer.
Jul 30, 2015The distance to which we can take images or see visually through telescopes in space depends on several factors, including the capabilities of the telescope,  How do we take pictures from galaxies that are thousands of light Are the images from distant galaxies that are light years away also How do they take pictures of things that are thousands if not millions How do photos of far away objects in space work? How accurate are More results from,No, Hubble cannot take photos of the Apollo landing sites.
“An object on the Moon 4 meters (4.37 yards) across, viewed from HST, would be about 0.002 arcsec in  ,Sky & Telescope readers share their astronomy pictures featuring lunar craters, solar eclipses, ghostly nebulae, sparkling star clusters, and much more.Astronomy SketchesPlanetsSolar EclipsesNebula & Galaxy,Sky & Telescope readers share their astronomy pictures featuring lunar craters, solar eclipses, ghostly nebulae, sparkling star clusters, and much more.,The Shunga period is known as the "Golden age of astronomy in India".
"Sharing the sky: astronomers and astrologers in the West", an exhibition 

What astronomy pictures do Sky & Telescope readers share?

Sky & Telescope readers share their astronomy pictures featuring lunar craters
Solar eclipses
Ghostly nebulae
Sparkling star clusters

And much more.
Share your own! Browse below to see our newest submitted astrophotos
Or browse by category.

Where can I find astronomical art?

Today astronomical art can be seen in magazines such as :
Sky and Telescope
The Planetary Report and occasionally in Scientific American.
The NASA fine arts program has been an ongoing effort to hire artists to create works generally specific to a particular space project.

Where is astronomer located?

Astronomer is a platform for data engineering.
The company was founded in 2015 and is based in Cincinnati
Is this data correct? Founding Team Field Chief Te...
An enterprise cloud startup that helps organizations adopt Apache Airflow
 has raised $5.7 million in seed funding to deliver enterprise grade Apache Airflow.

Astronomy gallery
Astronomy gallery

Wave that can travel around a concave surface

Whispering-gallery waves

Or whispering-gallery modes

Are a type of wave that can travel around a concave surface.Originally discovered for sound waves in the whispering gallery of St Paul's Cathedral

They can exist for light and for other waves

With important applications in nondestructive testing


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