Astronomy map live

  • Are the stars light-years away?

    Stellar backyard: Most stars visible with the naked eye are within 1 000 light-years from Earth; in an astronomical sense they are in our backyard.
    If all stars had the same energy output, it would be easy to tell their distances: fainter stars would be further away..

  • Best star app 2022

    Astronomers can map the sky in many ways: observing in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, obtaining spectra of stars and galaxies to determine their physical properties and distances, and repeatedly observing to measure the variability, explosions, and motions of celestial objects..

  • How are star maps made?

    Each MYPICTURE star chart is created using a sophisticated computer programme which can access and sift through the relevant celestial data.
    That relevant data being the galactic coordinates – and the size/brightness – of all the stars which are visible with the naked eye from any given point on earth..

  • How do astronomers map the sky?

    Astronomers can map the sky in many ways: observing in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, obtaining spectra of stars and galaxies to determine their physical properties and distances, and repeatedly observing to measure the variability, explosions, and motions of celestial objects..

  • How do I see the sky map?

    To use Google Sky Maps, go to

    1Search the sky.
    To search for celestial objects and locations, enter a search term and click Search.
    2) Move through the sky.
    There are two ways to change your view of the sky.
    3) See different views.
    4) See collections of imagery.
    5) Share a link.
    6) Print an image.
    7) View KML content..

  • How does a constellation map work?

    The center of the chart shows stars that are directly overhead.
    The outer rim represents the horizon, labeled with the directions north, south, east and west.
    To match the sky, the chart must be held overhead, with the chart's north marker pointing north.
    And it has to be a chart that was made for the month you're in..

  • How long have star charts been around?

    The oldest accurately dated star chart appeared in ancient Egyptian astronomy in 1534 BC.
    The earliest known star catalogues were compiled by the ancient Babylonian astronomers of Mesopotamia in the late 2nd millennium BC, during the Kassite Period (ca. 1531–1155 BC)..

  • Is there a map for the sky?

    Google Sky Maps is a celestial map that shows you objects like stars, constellations, galaxies, planets, or the Earth's moon..

  • Planets and stars app

    To use Google Sky Maps, go to

    1Search the sky.
    To search for celestial objects and locations, enter a search term and click Search.
    2) Move through the sky.
    There are two ways to change your view of the sky.
    3) See different views.
    4) See collections of imagery.
    5) Share a link.
    6) Print an image.
    7) View KML content..

  • Planets and stars app

    Astronomers can map the sky in many ways: observing in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, obtaining spectra of stars and galaxies to determine their physical properties and distances, and repeatedly observing to measure the variability, explosions, and motions of celestial objects..

  • Planets and stars app

    Best FREE Stargazing Website: Stellarium
    Stellarium is the free web version of the popular star gazer app.
    Features you'll want to use for Experience Astronomy include… Your Location – In the bottom left-hand corner, you can set your location..

  • Planets and stars app

    Google Sky Maps is a celestial map that shows you objects like stars, constellations, galaxies, planets, or the Earth's moon..

  • Planets and stars app

    Online Planetarium -
    Expand the side bar to adjust the time and date.
    By clicking and dragging the sky, you can view it from different angles..

  • Planets and stars app

    Turn the map around so that the horizon for the direction you're facing is right-side up.
    The center of the map represents the part of the sky directly overhead.
    So a star that's plotted halfway from the edge to the center can be found about halfway up the sky — halfway from horizontal to overhead..

  • Planets in the sky tonight

    Stellarium Mobile
    Stellarium Mobile Free is available for Android for free (with in-app purchases), but there is also Stellarium Mobile PLUS that will cost you $19.99..

  • Planets visible tonight

    To use Google Sky Maps, go to

    1Search the sky.
    To search for celestial objects and locations, enter a search term and click Search.
    2) Move through the sky.
    There are two ways to change your view of the sky.
    3) See different views.
    4) See collections of imagery.
    5) Share a link.
    6) Print an image.
    7) View KML content..

  • Star Map app

    Not everyone has the same set of stars in their back yard.
    The constellations appear in different positions throughout the seasons, disappearing and reappearing, depending on where you live in the world..

  • What planet is near Earth today?

    It's Mercury Of all the planets in the Solar System, Mercury has the smallest orbit..

  • Where are astronomical charts from?

    The oldest accurately dated star chart appeared in ancient Egyptian astronomy in 1534 BC.
    The earliest known star catalogues were compiled by the ancient Babylonian astronomers of Mesopotamia in the late 2nd millennium BC, during the Kassite Period (ca. 1531–1155 BC)..

  • Which planet can I see?

    What Planets Are Visible By the Naked Eye? The first step to identifying planets is to know which planets are possible to see without a telescope.
    Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are the five brightest planets in our night sky and, therefore, observable by most people..

  • Who mapped the stars and planets?

    Credit for modern maps of the cosmos is often given to Harlow Shapley, who in 1917 published a map of the distribution of globular clusters and correctly concluded that our solar system was located a considerable distance from the center of our galaxy..

  • Why are star maps round?

    They imagined that the Earth was fixed at the centre of things, with the Solar System orbiting around us.
    Beyond was the night sky, which they imagined as a sphere with the stars projected on the inside.
    This became known as the celestial sphere.
    It was the starting point for mapping the stars..

  • Early Star Maps and Astrology.
    So far as we know, the first people to map the positions of stars were the Chinese astronomers Shi Shen, Gan De and Wu Xian in the third and fourth century BC.
    Their work was passed along over the centuries in various media, although inaccurately.
  • SO ARE YOU DREAMING OF THE DESERT NIGHT SKY ? Discover the Milky Way, the Polar Star, the Planets Saturn and Jupiter, the constellations of the Big Dipper, Little Dipper and Cassiopeia.
An online planetarium application that shows the sky and the celestial objects visible at any date and from any location Interactive star map of the sky  ,An online planetarium application that shows the sky and the celestial objects visible at any date and from any location.

Where can I learn astronomy online?

LCOGT (Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network) Education Space Book and Astronomy Education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has an extensive selection of online simulations
Interactives and question banks for undergraduate astronomy.
This is superb background for teachers and some of the topics can be adapted for use with students.

Where can I learn astronomy online?

Offers the free online course Hands-On Astronomy: Observing Stars And Planets.
From there

Planning a night of cozy constellation contemplations—or spending the night counting the stars in the Milky Way—is easy.
Your only decision is how far you want to travel.

Where can I see a live map of the planets?

To see a live map showing the actual positions of each of the planets right now (and also more information on each planet) then please visit the planets page.
A map showing the relative sizes of the solid surfaces of the solar system.


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