Is studying astrophysics worth it

How long does it take to get a PhD in astrophysics?

Currently i'm a few years into a PhD in astrophysics
Which basically consists of several years of research and learning under an experienced supervisor with the goal of submitting a long piece of written-up research (a thesis) at the end.
After my PhD i'm hoping to get a post-doctoral research position somewhere.

Is an astrophysics degree worth it?

The high level of computer programming and analysis skills you develop in astro
Together with the problem-solving skills of a science PhD
Makes you extremely marketable for high-paying jobs.
One caution:
A degree in astrophysics requires hard-core *physics*.

Is astrophysics a math?

Short answer:
Astrophysics is all math.
Basic maths skills like basic calculus would be "enough" to help.
But basic physics is an absolute essential.
You don't need the mathematics as much as you do the concepts - an intuitive sense of how things work and the core "rules"
Like the laws of thermodynamics.

Which is better astronomy or astrophysics?

Choose astrophysics.
Astronomy is
A branch of physics.
But astrophysics is going to be a bit more heavy on the math
And that’s important.
Astrophysicists end up studying a lot of different types of math
But statistical analysis is a major part of it.

How long does it take to get a PhD in astrophysics?

Sure, currently i'm a few years into a PhD in astrophysics, which basically consists of several years of research and learning under an experienced supervisor with the goal of submitting a long piece of written-up research (a thesis) at the end

After my PhD i'm hoping to get a post-doctoral research position somewhere

Should I learn astrophysics?

If you wanted to study it in depth you would need much math

But astrophysics is a broad field and much can be learned, at least at a beginners level, with only a little calculus

This is my opinion of course

As StephenG said, knowing basic physics would be more helpful

A career in astrophysics can be really rewarding and absolutely fascinating. Choose this subject at uni to explore the physics of the universe, studying topics like astronomical objects and phenomena. You’ll set yourself up for a bright future and learn about things that most people could only dream of knowing about.Physics (or astrophysics) are highly employable degrees, even if you don't stay in research. Engineering is highly employable too. You can be an engineer and be involved in discovering about the universe (e.g. designing satellites and so on).,Typical modules for courses in this subject include: 1. Quantum physics and electromagnetism 2. Quantum mechanics a…


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