Astrophysical jet star formation

  • What are jets in star formation?

    Jets are a common "exhaust product" of the dynamics of star formation.
    They are blasted away from a disk of gas and dust falling onto an embryonic star. [upper left] – This view of a protostellar object called HH-30 reveals an edge-on disk of dust encircling a newly forming star..

  • What are the different kinds of astronomical objects from which astrophysical jets have been observed?

    Jets are ubiquitous in the Universe and are seen from a large number of astrophysical objects including active galactic nuclei, gamma ray bursters, micro-quasars, proto-planetary nebulae, young stars and even brown dwarfs..

  • What are the jets in star formation?

    Jets are a common "exhaust product" of the dynamics of star formation.
    They are blasted away from a disk of gas and dust falling onto an embryonic star. [upper left] – This view of a protostellar object called HH-30 reveals an edge-on disk of dust encircling a newly forming star..

  • Although the formation of jets is not fully understood, it is generally believed that they result when the magnetic field of the central object (the star or black hole) interacts with the magnetic field of the surrounding accretion disk.
  • Jets are sprays of particles that fly out from certain high-energy particle collisions.
    These collisions create very energetic quarks and gluons; as they travel away from the collision point, they emit more gluons, which can split into even more gluons.
    This results in a relatively narrow cascade, or jet, of particles.
  • Most have been observationally associated with central black holes of some active galaxies, radio galaxies or quasars, and also by galactic stellar black holes, neutron stars or pulsars.
Although the formation of jets is not fully understood, it is generally believed that they result when the magnetic field of the central object (the star or black hole) interacts with the magnetic field of the surrounding accretion disk.,As material falls onto the protostar from the surrounding accretion disk, it is thought that interactions between the magnetic fields of the rotating star and the accretion disk turn the in-falling material around and eject it from the stellar magnetic poles.
This is what we observe as stellar jets.,Jets on a much smaller scale (~parsecs) may be found in star forming regions, including T Tauri stars and Herbig–Haro objects; these objects are partially  Relativistic jetsRotation as possible energy Relativistic jets from neutron ,Protostellar (YSO) jets are produced during the major accretion phase in the star-formation process, i.e., during the Class 0 and I phases of the life of a protostellar core/young star.
This phase of the star formation process is thought to last about 105 yr (Lada 1999).,Stellar jets arise from a number of different sources (T Tauri stars, planetary nebulae, neutron stars and stellar black holes), but galactic jets are believed to have a single source – a supermassive black hole at the centre of a galaxy.,stellar jets have several origins – they are produced by young stars still in the process of forming (e.g.
T Tauri stars), in the planetary nebulae which mark the final stages of evolution for intermediate and low mass stars, and in compact objects such as neutron stars and stellar black holes in binary systems.

How many protostars can a star form?

Depending on its size, a star-forming region can birth anywhere from a few to a few thousand protostars

Over time, these nascent stars will use up much of the gas and dust from the original molecular cloud, though they may also blast some of it away in the form of jets during the very energetic process of accretion

What is a jet associated with a star?

Jets associated with stars are composed of ionized gas moving away from the star with velocities of a few hundred kilometers per second

Astrophysical jet star formation
Astrophysical jet star formation

Collapsed core of a massive star

?M.They result from the supernova explosion of a massive star

Combined with gravitational collapse

That compresses the core past white dwarf star density to that of atomic nuclei.


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