Auditing question paper 2022

  • How long does a forensic audit take?

    On average, the hours from the start of the investigation to the final issuance will usually be around 50 – 70 hours.
    If there is more than one year involved, then the additional years will run about 30 – 40 hours per additional year..

  • How long does it take to prepare audited accounts?

    Audits are typically scheduled for three months from beginning to end, which includes four weeks of planning, four weeks of fieldwork and four weeks of compiling the audit report.
    The auditors are generally working on multiple projects in addition to your audit..

  • What are the basic principles of auditing?

    Basic Principles Governing an Audit

    A thorough examination of all systems. Internal Controls Assessment. Arithmetic Precision. Principles of Accounting. Assets Verification. Liabilities Verification. Attestation. Statutory Obligations..

  • What are the principles of auditing?

    The basic principles of auditing are confidentiality, integrity, objectivity, independence, skills and competence, work performed by others, documentation, planning, audit evidence, accounting system and internal control, and audit reporting..

  • What do you do after you finish with an audit?

    After the audit, the audit committee, executive director, and senior financial staff are responsible for reviewing the draft audit report, asking questions about the auditors' findings, and evaluating any recommendations before they are presented to the board in the final report..

  • What do you like about auditing?

    People already established in the industry say things like, “I love exploring how businesses are run and auditing gives me a real insight”, or “Helping a company make the most of its resources gives me a great sense of satisfaction”..

  • What is an example of an auditor?

    Auditors perform external audits as independent inspections into a company's financial records to determine whether a company is following financial laws and regulations.
    For example, the government might send an auditor to a company to determine whether its financial statements reflect its financial condition..

  • What it takes to be a good auditor?

    Auditors need to use their analytical skills to examine information, interpret it, and present innovative and alternative solutions to a problem.
    Innovative thinking — not to mention responsibility, ethics, and honesty — is what will get you respect in the business world..

  • Why choose audit as a career?

    Auditing gives you the chance to develop a variety of skills, such as problem-solving, communication and project management.
    These are all important in the workplace and when searching for jobs.
    Having good people skills can help you s쳮d in a wide range of industries and positions..

  • Why do audits take so long?

    Unlike other types of examinations, revenue agents spend considerable time reviewing the taxpayer's return.
    The revenue agent examines and audits financial records of individuals, businesses, and corporations to ensure tax liabilities are met..

  • Basic Principles Governing an Audit

    A thorough examination of all systems. Internal Controls Assessment. Arithmetic Precision. Principles of Accounting. Assets Verification. Liabilities Verification. Attestation. Statutory Obligations.
  • We can divide the working papers into two parts

    Permanent audit file.Current audit file.
  • Auditors need to use their analytical skills to examine information, interpret it, and present innovative and alternative solutions to a problem.
    Innovative thinking — not to mention responsibility, ethics, and honesty — is what will get you respect in the business world.
  • Auditors perform external audits as independent inspections into a company's financial records to determine whether a company is following financial laws and regulations.
    For example, the government might send an auditor to a company to determine whether its financial statements reflect its financial condition.
  • Office audits are usually initiated within one year of filing your return and are generally completed in three to six months.
    Factors that can draw out an office audit include: Providing incomplete information.
Dec 23, 2022Auditing Question Papers 6th SEM TDC AUDG (CBCS) C 613 2022 (June/July) COMMERCE (Core) Paper: C-613 (Auditing) Full Marks: 80.
Pass Marks: 32

Can audit reports be tested in AA exam?

Although audit reports feature regularly in the AA exam, there are several ways in which they can be tested, and candidates must be prepared for any type of question on audit reports

For this session 5 marks were awarded for the factors to be considered and for the contents of the KAM section

What is the current date of a 20X5 audit?

The current date is the 1 July 20X5 and the client has a year end of 30 September 20X5

The scenario is set three months prior to the year end with the audit taking place sometime after the client year end

This indicates the planning stage of an assignment with the audit taking place in October or later


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