Auditing scientology

  • How do Scientologists audit?

    Auditing in Scientology is an activity where a trained Scientologist, known as an auditor, listens and asks the subject, who is referred to as a "preclear", or more often as a "PC", various questions.
    Auditing involves the use of "processes", which are sets of questions asked or directions given by an auditor..

  • How many active Scientologists are there?

    Estimates put the number of Scientologists at under 40,000 worldwide.
    Key Scientology beliefs include reincarnation, and that traumatic events cause problematic "engrams" in the mind which can only be removed through an activity called "auditing".
    A fee is charged for each session of "auditing"..

  • How many people follow Scientology in the world?

    According to Ortega, Scientology's numbers peaked in the early '90s with roughly 100,000 members worldwide, but membership has recently dipped to about 20,000. (A Scientology spokesperson vigorously denies this, claiming the church has “millions of parishioners in 167 nations, a third of whom are in the U.S.”).

  • How many Scientology churches are there?

    Scientology Today
    According to the official Church of Scientology website, there are now more than 11,000 churches, missions and groups in 184 nations, and the movement welcomes more than 4.4 million new people each year..

  • How much does it cost to audit Scientology?

    You audit two preclears for the IAS rate of $3,200* for a 121⁄2 hour intensive.
    You pay 10% to IHELP, which gives you 90%.
    That's $5,760 income for 1 week.
    You audit three preclears for the IAS rate of $3,200* for a 12 1⁄2 hour intensive..

  • How much money does Scientology have?

    According to Jeffrey Augustine, author of the blog The Scientology Money Project, the church has a book value of $1.75 billion, about $1.5 billion of which is tied up in real estate, mostly at its headquarters in Clearwater and in Hollywood, Calif..

  • How often should a church have an audit?

    Your bylaws may require audited financial statements annually, which would indicate an audit by a public accounting firm.
    However, if your bylaws only require a review of your finances on a regular basis, this could indicate a review by qualified businessmen and -women in the organization would suffice..

  • How old is the Scientology religion?

    Hubbard's stated goal was to analyze humankind's mental aberrations and to offer a means for overcoming them.
    He eventually moved away from Dianetics' focus on the mind to a more religious approach to the human condition, which he called Scientology.
    The Church of Scientology was founded in 1954..

  • What are the basic beliefs of the Church of Scientology and the significance of the audit?

    Thetan has been described as: A "thetan is an immortal spiritual being; the human soul." "The being who is the individual and who handles and lives in the body." "A thetan is not a thing, a thetan is the creator of things.".

  • What are the total assets of Scientology?

    The Scientologist will spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars in this auditing, until such time as he has completed the "ten runs" necessary to "clear" him, or until he feels that his bank (reactive mind) has "blown." At that point he is checked on the E-meter by an "Examiner" to verify that he has, indeed, " .

  • What companies are affiliated with Scientology?

    Ron Hubbard's "organizational board." Used also by the Church of Scientology, the "Org Board" divides an organization into seven divisions -- executive, personnel, sales, finance, training, marketing and qualifications.
    Each division's duties are spelled out, along with the basis for evaluating employee performance..

  • What companies are associated with Scientology?

    Narconon International.Applied Scholastics (APS)Criminon International.The Way to Happiness Foundation International.Social Coordination Bureau of the Guardian's Office (SoCo) (predecessor to ABLE)Social Betterment Properties International (SBPI) — real estate management corporation for ABLE..

  • What do Scientologists believe?

    Quality Glossary Definition: Audit.
    Auditing is defined as the on-site verification activity, such as inspection or examination, of a process or quality system, to ensure compliance to requirements.
    An audit can apply to an entire organization or might be specific to a function, process, or production step..

  • What is a Thetan Scientology?

    The OT levels are the upper part of "The Bridge to Total Freedom", which is the set of levels within Scientology.
    After having removed one's own "reactive mind" and thus attaining the state of "Clear", Scientologists may then go on to the OT levels.
    Scientology doctrine defines OT as the "highest state there is"..

  • What is a Thetan Scientology?

    Thetan has been described as: A "thetan is an immortal spiritual being; the human soul." "The being who is the individual and who handles and lives in the body." "A thetan is not a thing, a thetan is the creator of things.".

  • What is an auditing session in Scientology?

    The main intention of an auditing session is to remove "charged incidents" that have caused trauma, which are believed in Scientology to be stored in the "reactive mind".
    These incidents must then be eliminated for proper functioning..

  • What is auditing explain?

    Steps often include conducting interviews, reviewing laws, policies and best practice, verifying sample transactions, analyzing data sets, and conducting surveys.
    Auditors meet regularly with management throughout fieldwork and discuss the status of the audit, preliminary observations, and potential recommendations..

  • What is the process of auditing in Scientology?

    Auditing in Scientology is an activity where a trained Scientologist, known as an auditor, listens and asks the subject, who is referred to as a "preclear", or more often as a "PC", various questions.
    Auditing involves the use of "processes", which are sets of questions asked or directions given by an auditor..

  • What is the process of auditing?

    The Church of Scientology, the secretive and combative international organization that recently won a decades-long drive for Federal tax exemption, counts assets of about $400 million and appears to take in nearly $300 million a year from counseling fees, book sales, investments and other sources, according to .

  • What questions are asked in a Scientology audit?


    Are you a pervert?Are you guilty of any major crimes in this lifetime?Have you been sent here knowingly to injure Scientology?Are you or have you ever been a Communist?Are you closely affiliated to any person or organization violently opposed to L.
    Ron Hubbard or Scientology?.

  • What questions are asked in a Scientology audit?

    Scientologists believe that auditing, with the help of the E-meter, entirely confirms the existence of past lives.
    They believe that through Scientology auditing, immortality can be achieved by modern man.
    These were the promises made by Hubbard in his new "science.".

  • What questions are asked in a Scientology audit?

    Steps often include conducting interviews, reviewing laws, policies and best practice, verifying sample transactions, analyzing data sets, and conducting surveys.
    Auditors meet regularly with management throughout fieldwork and discuss the status of the audit, preliminary observations, and potential recommendations..

  • What questions are asked in a Scientology audit?

    The core belief holds that a human is an immortal, spiritual being (thetan) that is resident in a physical body.
    The thetan has had innumerable past lives, some of which, preceding the thetan's arrival on Earth, were lived in extraterrestrial cultures..

  • What questions are asked in Scientology auditing?

    The core belief holds that a human is an immortal, spiritual being (thetan) that is resident in a physical body.
    The thetan has had innumerable past lives, some of which, preceding the thetan's arrival on Earth, were lived in extraterrestrial cultures..

  • When was Scientology declared a religion?

    Scientology as a religion.
    Scientology is officially recognized as a religion in the United States.
    Recognition came in 1993, when the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) stated that "[Scientology is] operated exclusively for religious and charitable purposes.".

  • When was Scientology first discovered?

    Founded in 1954 on Hubbard's teachings, and now led by David Miscavige, Scientology has spread from its origins in Southern California throughout the United States and the world, generating a lot of debate along the way..

  • Where does Scientology get their money?

    Several of the Church's practices resemble business operations, including paying recruiters a cut of the money made from the people they attract and the franchising network that results in large revenues for the highest levels of the Church.
    Such activities distinguish Scientology from other religious organizations..

  • Where is Scientology most practiced?

    Los Angeles, California, has the largest concentration of Scientologists and Scientology-related organizations in the world, with the Church of Scientology's most visible presence being in the Hollywood district of the city..

  • Who is the authority in Scientology?

    The Religious Technology Center (RTC) has ultimate ecclesiastical authority for the teachings of Scientology, owns all the movement's trademarks, and grants the churches and organizations their licenses..

  • Examples

    Are you a pervert?Are you guilty of any major crimes in this lifetime?Have you been sent here knowingly to injure Scientology?Are you or have you ever been a Communist?Are you closely affiliated to any person or organization violently opposed to L.
    Ron Hubbard or Scientology?
  • Among the basic tenets of Scientology are the beliefs that human beings are immortal, that a person's life experience transcends a single lifetime, and that human beings possess infinite capabilities.
    Scientology presents two major divisions of the mind.
  • Narconon International.Applied Scholastics (APS)Criminon International.The Way to Happiness Foundation International.Social Coordination Bureau of the Guardian's Office (SoCo) (predecessor to ABLE)Social Betterment Properties International (SBPI) — real estate management corporation for ABLE.
  • Remini and Rinder say it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for an individual to spend approximately $500,000 to reach the top tiers of Scientology.
  • Scientology is a relatively new religion that has managed to draw interest from people around the world and grow faster than any other modern religion.
    Its belief system was first proposed by famous writer L.
    Ron Hubbard in 1950 with the publication of a book called "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health".
  • This church has a staff of approximately 990 individuals and an annual budget of approximately $ 46.8 million, based on its annual disbursements for the most recent year for which financial statements are available.
  • Your bylaws may require audited financial statements annually, which would indicate an audit by a public accounting firm.
    However, if your bylaws only require a review of your finances on a regular basis, this could indicate a review by qualified businessmen and -women in the organization would suffice.
Dec 15, 2015First, the Church does offer inexpensive "co auditing" which runs about $100.00 for a weekend of auditing with you and another person.
But, check for the exact  How much does it cost to go clear in Scientology? - QuoraHow much does it cost to be a Scientologist? - QuoraHow much does it cost to go 'clear' in Scientology? How many steps How do Scientologists pay for their courses, auditing sessions and More results from,Auditing in Scientology is an activity where a trained Scientologist, known as an auditor, listens and asks the subject, who is referred to as a "preclear", or more often as a "PC", various questions.
Auditing involves the use of "processes", which are sets of questions asked or directions given by an auditor.,Auditing in Scientology is an activity where a trained Scientologist, known as an auditor, listens and asks the subject, who is referred to as a "preclear", or more often as a "PC", various questions.
Auditing involves the use of "processes", which are sets of questions asked or directions given by an auditor.,Auditing in Scientology is an activity where a trained Scientologist, known as an auditor, listens and asks the subject, who is referred to as a "preclear", or  DescriptionThe BridgeProcedureControversy,Auditing is best done intensively, at least 12 1/2 hours a week (2 1/2 hours a day for the five-day week).
The more intensively one is audited, the more rapid  ,Auditing was invented by L.
Ron Hubbard as an integral part of Dianetics, first introduced in 1950.
In 1951, auditing also became a core practice of Scientology.
The E-meter, a device to measure electrodermal activity, became an integral part of auditing in scientology.,In Dianetics and Scientology, auditing is a sequence of actions whereby the "auditor" takes an individual through times in their current or past lives with  DescriptionThe BridgeProcedureControversy,The goal of auditing is to restore beingness and ability.
This is accomplished by (1) helping the individual rid himself of any spiritual disabilities and (2)  ,The main intention of an auditing session is to remove "charged incidents" that have caused trauma, which are believed in Scientology to be stored in the "reactive mind".
These incidents must then be eliminated for proper functioning.

Is Scientology a religion?

Scientology is an applied religious philosophy

Auditing and being audited are part of the practice of Scientology

The Bridge is the name Scientologists give to the set of higher and higher grades or levels and states of beingness that they achieve by being audited or to be trained as an auditor

What is a Scientology E-meter?

The E-meter, a device to measure electrodermal activity, became an integral part of auditing in scientology

According to the Church of Scientology, "one formal definition of auditing is the action of asking a person a question (which he can understand and answer), getting an answer to that question and acknowledging him or her for that answer"

What is an auditor in Scientology?

,in: Auditor (Scientology) An Auditor in Scientology is a person who carries out Scientology auditing or so-called therapy with an E-Meter

The person being audited (known as a pre-clear or PC) is under pressure to tell highly disturbing and traumatic experiences while auditors have studied Scientology teachings but are unqualified in psychology

Auditing scientology
Auditing scientology

American religious group and business

The Church of Scientology is a group of interconnected corporate entities and other organizations devoted to the practice

Administration and dissemination of Scientology

Which is variously defined as a cult

A business

Or a new religious movement.The movement has been the subject of a number of controversies

And the Church of Scientology has been described by government inquiries

International parliamentary bodies

  1. Scholars
  2. Law lords

And numerous superior court judgements as both a dangerous cult and a manipulative profit-making business.In 1979

Several executives of the organization were convicted and imprisoned for multiple offenses by a U.S.Federal Court.The Church of Scientology itself was convicted of fraud by a French court in 2009

A decision upheld by the supreme Court of Cassation in 2013.The German government classifies Scientology as an unconstitutional sect.In France

It has been classified as a dangerous cult.In some countries

It has attained legal recognition as a religion.

In Scientology, a person who no longer has a reactive mind

In Dianetics and Scientology

Clear is a status afforded to followers by the Scientology organization

Or by other Scientologists

After they complete certain activities.It is one of the major ostensible states practitioners strive to reach on their way up what the Scientologists call the Bridge to Total Freedom.Scientology followers are given the status of Clear when a person is deemed to be free of the influence of engrams – supposed unwanted emotions or painful traumas which Scientology claims are not readily available to the conscious mind.Scientologists believe that human beings accumulate anxieties

Psychosomatic illnesses

And aberration due to receiving engrams throughout their current or past lives

And that by applying Dianetics

Every single person can obtain the status of Clear.

List of Scientology security checks

List of Scientology security checks

Scientology confessionals

\nIn Scientology

The security check is an interrogation technique put into practice by founder L.Ron Hubbard in 1960.It involves an Ethics officer probing the thoughts

Attitudes and behavior of an individual member by asking them large numbers of questions.The bulk of the questions deal with criminal or sexual activity or intentions

Or other things that the interviewee might be ashamed of

And probe negative thoughts that the person might have about Scientology or Hubbard.As with auditing

The person holds the electrodes of the E-meter

A pseudoscientific device that measures electrical conductivity in the human body

While they are given a series of highly probing

Scientology is a set of beliefs and practices invented by the American

Scientology is a set of beliefs and practices invented by the American

Set of beliefs and practices and an associated movement

Scientology is a set of beliefs and practices invented by the American author L.Ron Hubbard

And an associated movement.It is variously defined as a cult

A business

Or a new religious movement.Hubbard initially developed a set of ideas that he called Dianetics

Which he represented as a form of therapy.An organization that he established in 1950 to promote it went bankrupt

And Hubbard lost the rights to his book Dianetics in 1952.He then recharacterized his ideas as a religion

Likely for tax purposes

And renamed them Scientology.By 1954

He had regained the rights to Dianetics and founded the Church of Scientology

Which remains the largest organization promoting Scientology.There are practitioners independent of the Church

In what is called the Free Zone.Estimates put the number of Scientologists at under 40

The relationship between Scientology and religious groups is very complex

The relationship between Scientology and religious groups is very complex

The relationship between Scientology and religious groups is very complex.While Scientology claims that it is fully compatible with all existing major world religions and that it does not conflict with them or their religious practices

There are significant contradictions between Scientology and most religions

Especially the major monotheistic religions.Members are not allowed to engage in other similar mental therapies or procedures

The beliefs and practices of Scientology include

The beliefs and practices of Scientology include

Sexual views and teachings

The beliefs and practices of Scientology include

Material related to sex and the rearing of children

Which collectively form the second dynamic in Scientology.These beliefs and practices are based on the written works of Church of Scientology founder L.Ron Hubbard.

\n\nThe Church of Scientology publicly classifies itself as a religion

But scholars and other observers regard it as a business

Because the organization operates more like a for-profit business than a religious institution.Some scholars of sociology working in religious studies consider it a new religious movement.Overall

As stated by Stephen A.Kent

Scientology can be seen as a multi-faceted transnational corporation that has religion as only one of its many components.Other components include

  1. Political aspirations
  2. Business ventures
  3. Cultural productions
  4. Pseudo-medical practices

Pseudo-psychiatric claims


An alternative family structure.

Since its inception in 1954

Since its inception in 1954

Since its inception in 1954

The Church of Scientology has been involved in a number of controversies

  1. Including :
  2. Its stance on psychiatry

Scientology's legitimacy as a religion

The Church's aggressive attitude in dealing with its perceived enemies and critics

Allegations of mistreatment of members

And predatory financial practices; for example

The high cost of religious training:191 and perceived exploitative practices.When mainstream media outlets have reported alleged abuses

Representatives of the church have tended to deny such allegations.

Recognition of Scientology and the Church of Scientology

Recognition of Scientology and the Church of Scientology

Legal status of Scientology

Recognition of Scientology and the Church of Scientology varies from country to country with respect to state recognition for religious status

Charitable status

Or tax exempt status.Decisions are contingent upon the legal constructs of each individual country

And results are not uniform worldwide.For example

The absence of a clear definition for 'religion' or 'religious worship' has resulted in unresolved and uncertain status for Scientology in some countries.

Scientology founder L

Scientology founder L

Scientology founder L.Ron Hubbard explicitly compared his teachings to the science-fiction subgenre space opera.In his writings

Wherein thetans were reincarnated periodically over quadrillions of years

Retaining memories of prior lives

To which Hubbard attributed complex narratives about life throughout the universe.The most controversial of these myths is the story of Xenu

To whom Hubbard attributed responsibility for many of the world's problems.


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